I will be happy once I get _______ fill In the blank. Isn’t that what we always tell ourselves? Once I graduate high school I will be happy. Once I have a boyfriend, then I will be happy. Once I get the job I want I will be happy. It’s almost like we have turned happiness into a physical place, a destination. As if we are on a road trip and will soon reach “happiness”.
However, that mindset will guarantee that you will 100% never be happy. There will always be something better, there will always be something that could make you happier. Because happiness isn’t a destination, it’s a feeling and feelings come and go. It’s like any other feeling, sometimes you are sad and then it goes away. Sometimes you are anxious, and then it goes away. Sometimes you are happy, and then it goes away. Feelings aren’t permanent because if our feelings never changed, then we wouldn’t be human, then we wouldn’t have emotions.
Once you start to understand that happiness isn’t permanent or a destination, you will start to truly feel happy. Small things can cause such great waves of happiness that you will never feel if you are still holding out for that one thing. In fact, that one thing that you are waiting for to make you happy is the very reason of your unhappiness! How ironic is that. So stop waiting and start feeling. Let yourself feel happy, sad, anxious, excited, scared, hopeful, hopeless and everything in between. How you handle your feelings is what matters and honestly? Happiness is a pretty fun feeling to feel.