It’s that time of the semester. You know, the time in which coffee encompasses your day, sleep escapes you during the night, and tests and assignments are piled on top of you sky high. With all of the stress and anxiety that these tough college times can bring, here are a few ways to help get you through.
Get a PlannerPlanners help you realize what to do next and will help you to take one assignment or due date at a time. You get a complete visual of your “to-do” list without having it all jumbled and discombobulated within your head.
Take a BreakWhether that be a coffee break, an exercise break or simply a nap break to rest your running mind, “taking a break” is essential to staying sane during these times! Just be sure not to let your break consume your time.
Avoid stress eatingAs easy as it is to get lost in scrumptious chocolate and endless potato chips, it is important to know that stress eating only allows you to feel even worse. Try waiting to eat these things to give yourself a reward after completing a task instead of indulging in life’s greatest enemy right away.
Talk With FriendsBeing alone during a major time of hardship can make you feel even more hassled than you really are. Vent to friends, invite them to lunch, or even make a study date with them to help ease your mind on the tasks at hand!
Take a Deep BreathSit and take a breath, and remind yourself not to stress over the things that you cannot control. Make a list, take one thing at a time, give yourself a small break every now and then, and you are well on your way to a smooth and stress-free semester!