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Campus Cutie: Meredith Witthar

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

Name: Meredith Witthar
Year: Junior  

Major: Journalism

Relationship Status: Taken

Hometown: Overland Park, KS

Why did you choose your major?

I’ve always really liked reading and writing. With journalism, I have a way where I can still do that and get paid to do what I like. Also I like to be the person who breaks news to people, so what better way do that than journalism?


Where can you usually be found on campus?

Wherever there’s food- in a coffee shop or somewhere where I  can eat and do homework at the same time.


I understand you’re doing a combined program through the Honors college where you also earn your master’s degree while you also complete your bachelor’s degree. Is it difficult doing a combined bachelor’s/master’s program?

Yes. It seemed a lot easier when I was planning it. Now I’m realizing that graduate students are held at a higher level. Even though all of my professors know that I’m a junior, they still hold me to the same esteem that they would any other grad student. It’s worth it though, because there are a lot of people who spend a lifetime trying to get an education. I’m very fortunate to get both my bachelor’s and master’s degree in four years and I’m saving a lot of money while doing it. It’s kind of cool to think that I’m entering a field where people who are older than me won’t have the same amount of education as I do.


Seems like the semester’s getting tough right now. If you could take off and go anywhere right now, where would you go and why?

If I could go anywhere I would want to be sitting on a beautiful white beach, not thinking about anything and the waves rolling in and a drink in a coconut with a little tiny umbrella and with all of my best friends and boyfriend.


Is there something you’d like to do before graduation?

See above response. That would be ideal.


What are your hobbies?

When I’m not stressed out doing homework, I like hanging out with friends, reading, watching movies and hanging out with my little brother.


What’s your favorite food?

Probably pizza.


Favorite movie?



Celebrity Crushes?

The young Brendan Frasier (like in The Mummy and George of the Jungle), Leonardo DiCaprio, and Aladdin from Disney’s Aladdin. Also Orlando Bloom in everything except his elvin role as Legolas.


If you could take one thing with you onto a deserted island, what would it be?

My dog, Miss Pearl. Meredith Witthar

My name is Alejandra Guillen and I am a junior at Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication and at Barrett, the Honors College. As most people do, I enjoy sleep, food (especially of the breakfast, gravy and meat varieties), and Ryan Gosling.