1. The “High School Continuation” Friendship
You both went to the same high school and either liked each other or were completely neutral towards each other. Now you have a class together, live on the same floor, or go to the same yoga studio. Whatever the uniting force may be, you two always have one thing to talk about, HIGH SCHOOL. Whether it be who is pregnant, who is engaged, or just reminiscing on how exhausting high school was, you have your person to gossip to. You listen to each other and genuinely care because hey, you both probably have very embarrassing photos of each other and saw one another break down at least six times your senior year, so why not be friends forever?Â
2. The “Convenience” Friendship
The easiest friendship to maintain. Both of you live your lives and accept that college is a crazy time, but you still enjoy each other out of being able to discuss a shared interest, having similar personalities or being able to make each other laugh. These friendships never become too deep and typically involve the sharing of surface level opinions, emotions, and stories. Chances are you won’t be friends after your freshman year, but hey you will make a new convenient friend next year and the year after that and the year after that.Â
3. The “Are we even friends?” Friendship
This type of friendship typically occurs when one of your good friends is friends with someone and you see them just as much as you see one of your actual friends. You can also discover this type of friend due to proximity, such as the person you always sit by in your Economics class or the person you always work on group projects with in your dance class. You two will typically make plans to hangout but these plans always fall through. You have similar interests and goals yet can’t seem to find the time to get together. This could potentially be a good friendship but who really knows.Â
4. The “We have nothing in common but are still friends” Friendship
This is one of the best types of friendships you will have because despite the fact that you two have nothing in common you still enjoy each other’s company. You may have different political views, different religious views, or may have an entirely different idea of what fun is. This person provides you with a different perspective on life and they are overall a great person. Chances are you will invite them to your wedding and catch up when you’re in town but other than that there will most likely be limited communication as you each follow your own path.Â
5. The “Roommate” Friendship
They’ve seen you cry, they’ve seen you laugh, they’ve seen you sick, and they’ve seen you drunk. This type of friendship is the most unique because you were most likely randomly assigned to live with this person for nearly a year without ever interacting beyond social media and now know nearly everything about each other. One minute you like them and the next minute you’re annoyed by the way their cup sits on your shared counter. It’s hard to predict whether or not this friendship will last beyond your time spent within a ten-foot radius of each other but if you both try these friendships could last for a couple of years.Â
6. The “How did we not meet each other sooner?” Friendship
Upon meeting you have an instant connection and wish you could have grown up with them. You have many things in common whether it’s your shared love for brunch, shopping, or getting shit done. You can talk to them about almost anything and serve as a source of support and encouragement in each other’s lives. There is no prediction for how long this friendship will exist but let’s just say you see the two of you getting mimosas at a coastal restaurant in California in ten years.Â
7. The “Ex” Friendship
You’ve ended your relationship/situationship (yes, I said situationship) so now how do you put your feelings and attraction towards them aside to be friends? You were intimate together, had some deep conversations, and made some good memories and now you have to see them in class, at the gym or even at work. If I’m being honest, there is no right answer. This is the most confusing friendship because you never know what will happen. Are we friends? Are we best friends? Are we friends with benefits? Will we end up getting married? YIKES!
8. The “Ride or Die” Friendship
They’re the espresso to your latte, the jelly to your Uncrustable, the yin to your yang. Out of all of the friendships listed this is the one friendship that will last indefinitely. Chances are they have half of your wardrobe in their closet, their parents adore you, and you have told them things they don’t want to hear on more than one occasion. You love them even though they do dumb things, because that’s what best friends are for.Â