Summer is arguably one of the greatest seasons that people look forward to every year, especially college students. Submitting your last homework assignment, finishing that semester long project, walking out of your last final exam, can bring so much serotonin to a person. Students are so thrilled to finally get to sleep in and not having to worry about school for the next few months.Â
While it is a smart idea to be financially prepared, it’s very important to be mentally prepared for the new school year. Spending the last few weeks of summer doing self-care and clearing our minds can help set us up for success. Decluttering and rearranging your space helps A TON because you see a clean and clear area. When all said and done, you have fewer distractions and your focus improves. Whether you’re taking on the semester virtually or in person, it’s a good idea to have a distinction between school and personal life. Having a clean space to come home to after attending classes all day can get rid of any additional stress. Attending classes virtually can be a little more difficult. If you are an online student, it’s especially important to designate an area in your room or house to have your classes and work on assignments. By doing this, you genuinely see the difference between your school and your personal life. This boundary is crucial for you to perform your best.
Buying all the necessary items is beyond strategic. Some essentials may include notebooks, pens, textbooks, vodka, etc. Some people would say shopping is a form of therapy, so making a day trip to find school supplies and decorate your dorm room could help get them excited about the new semester. Those who don’t love shopping so much will most likely be on Amazon, ordering everything they need at the last minute. Speaking of last minute items, Tupperware and groceries cannot be forgotten.Â
Eating food that makes you feel good will guarantee to put you in a better mood throughout the day. Plus, this will provide you with energy! Buying groceries that are easy to prepare can help reduce a lot of stress. Meal prepping and college students are two things that are associated with one another quite often.Â
Imagining your dream summerÂ
What’s a better time to get excited about next summer than the start of fall semester? Setting yourself up for success is extremely crucial right now, at the beginning of the school year. We often find ourselves wanting to travel to beautiful places and have a summer full of activities, but we forget the part where doing these things requires money. The best time to start saving for next summer activities is as soon as you can. Whether it is five dollars or twenty dollars here and there, or saving up all of your change. The amount of money is not as important as staying consistent, watching your savings grow, and researching the cost of the events that you would like to attend. The sooner you start saving, the more money you will have for celebrations, concerts, traveling, and having your dream summer.Â
While preparing for the school semester is a top priority, your happiness should also be superior to you. Making the most out of the school year and getting excited for future events can keep students motivated to do their best and reach their goals. Take my advice and watch how much you’re going to grow. I believe in you.