One thing I love about the holidays is all the traditions I have with my family. We have so many that we’ve started and have continued for years. With Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner, here are a few traditions you could start with your family.
1. Thankful Jar
Instead of doing the normal routine of going around the table and saying what you’re thankful for, have your family write down what they’re thankful for and put it in a jar. At the end of the day, read them aloud. You could even put them in a cute scrapbook and see how what you all are thankful for has changed every year.
2. Christmas Eve Dress Up
This is a tradition my family has started and used for many years now. We love to dress up at our Christmas Eve party. We’ve done a pajama theme, a character theme and even a Christmas theme. We then have a fashion show and vote for the best outfit. This is by far one of my favorite traditions. You should try it with your family!
3. Holiday Wine Night
This is something you can do with your older family members. It’s super easy to have a small wine tasting style party and is a great way to start a new tradition in your family!