When you stop to think about it, we’ve always been taught to enjoy being young and having “no responsibilities,” that we’ve “got our whole lives to work,” and we shouldn’t try to “grow up too fast.” While being an adult does come with its own set of responsibilities and “have to’s,” it’s often the perks that come with adulthood are overlooked…especially the perks of being a young adult.
The truth is, there are some things about “adulting” that we enjoy. Whether it exceeds our childhood expectations or comes as a complete, pleasant surprise altogether, there are some things about “adulting” that can be pretty great.
1. “OMG, that’s me now.”
There’s something special in realizing that we are living in what was once something “waaaaay in the future” that never fails to make me smile to myself. For instance, when I was younger, I always thought there was something so cool about college students, and I anticipated the day where I would trek across campus as a “real college student.” A few years and a mound of student debt later, today, whenever I see young children and teens walking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed around campus, I’m reminded that I did in fact, make it to this day, and it was well worth the wait.
2. Grocery Shopping
Admit it: The first time you went grocery shopping and pushed a shopping cart around by yourself, you felt like you had skipped straight into “mom mode” —all those times playing “house” and taking make-believe trips to the grocery store coming to life. And, while the items in your shopping cart might not reflect your milestone adulting experience—ahem, a box of Easy Mac Original to go with your Capri Sun juice bags—for me, there’s something super relaxing about wandering every aisle of a grocery store.
3. Respect
With age comes an understood respect. Gone are the days where you felt two feet tall in a room full of giants unable to be taken seriously because of your age. We’re all equals, here.
4. Unlimited Possibilities
While this phase of “unlimited possibilities/most crucial time of your life” can be a little intimidating, knowing that the world is at your fingertips is exciting. CEO of a major company? Head fashion designer living in New York City? You no longer have to guess if you can “make the light” —the traffic light has turned green, and it’s time to GO! The best part? What once seemed like faraway dreams are now beginning to take form as a tangible reality.
5. Self-Identity
Maybe Clearasil worked, and you’re now strutting around pimple free. Maybe you’ve found that being popular and having “status” isn’t near as important as you once thought. If you’re like me, maybe you’ve finally reached a point in your life where you realize that what once were your flaws are now your strengths.
6. “All By Myself”
Noted, it’s a fact of life that the responsibilities that come with adulthood can be a little more challenging, and are therefore of more importance. That in mind, especially because we’re new to this phase of life, when accomplishing something relative to adulthood, it’s even more rewarding in knowing that you are a “big girl” capable of succeeding in the “real world.”
“Happy Adulting,” ladies!