What years did you originally attend Auburn University? I started to attend Auburn August 1983 and went through my junior year (1986).
Cathy is the blonde on the top row, 3rd from the left.
How has Auburn changed since then? What do you miss the most? The campus is more beautiful than ever! The paths, new living areas , and updated buildings are just gorgeous and really make Auburn feel like one small “big” school. I do miss the eagles’ cage in front of the Quad dorms. I used to sit with my friends on the lawn and watch them. They were so majestic! Another big loss were the trees. I am so grateful I took my 3 children to toilet paper those trees when they were younger. It is an experience that has been taken away and will not be replaced in their lifetime. I know Auburn [administration] will do everything in their power to revitalize that area and bring a new tradition to Auburn.
What motivated you to come back and finish your degree? I am the only one who did not graduate from college out of all of my siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles. It was a monkey on my back that burdened me for many years. I turned 50 this year and wanted to hit some of those bucket list items  –graduating from college and having my family see me walk across that stage became top priority! I also wanted to show my children [that] it is never too late to accomplish a dream.
Would you say that your work load has been more or less difficult since you last attended? It has been 29 years since I opened a book to study! As exciting as it is, I have found it takes me forever to read and take notes. I only have about 20 pages left in a 5 subject notebook for my government class alone! LOL. My 17-year-old son told me I am taking notes too extensively and need to just write bullet points. At this age, I need as many notes as I can write as my memory isn’t as great as it used to be.
What is the best thing about Auburn that brings people back (to visit or attend school)? It has to be the school spirit! There is nothing like a good War Eagle to get the heart pumping and blood racing. There are about 20 of my old sorority sisters who still get together every year and attend a football game. Â The Zeta love we have for each other and the fun and excitement of being together again is irreplaceable! War Eagle!
Cathy, now 50, is back at Auburn to finish her degree.