I think we all know what it’s like to start the semester with fierce determination. We tell ourselves I’m not going to procrastinate or I’ll set aside plenty of time to study and do homework. However, as the semester goes on, motivation can dwindle, and our focus tends to be directed toward seemingly more important tasks like sleeping, socializing, and mindlessly scrolling through social media apps. Some of us need to find our motivation again, and some of us need encouragement to keep it going, so here are five tips to stay motivated the rest of the semester.
1. Set small goals
Sometimes looking at your schedule for the week can be so intimidating it seems like the only solution is to sleep away all of your responsibilities, but news flash…they’ll still be there when you wake up. Setting small, daily goals can help you stay on track and accomplish everything that needs to be done. If you have a large assignment that needs to be done, set a certain daily time period to work on it, so you won’t have to frantically try to finish it before the due date.
2. Find a hobby and get active
Nothing kills motivation like sitting in your room for hours at a time while constantly staring at the work that needs to be done. It’s easy to become lazy and feel lethargic when we do this. However, when you take time to do something you are passionate about, it energizes and rejuvenates you. After a few hours of studying, take a walk around campus, go to the Rec or make a craft. (Christmas is getting so close!) Doing these things can be a way to relieve stress and help you refocus on your studies.
3. Reward yourself
Giving yourself a reward system can be a way to motivate yourself. Here are few ideas of a reward system:
- Give yourself a certain amount of time on social media after you have studied for a certain time length.
- If you do well studying and doing homework all week, reward yourself with an ice cream sandwich from Toomer’s Corner on Friday.
- Allow yourself to go out ONLY if you finish a certain amount of work and study a certain amount of hours or both.
Having self-discipline is an aspect to rewarding yourself because if you don’t accomplish whatever goal you’ve made for yourself, then you don’t get the reward.
4. Be attentive
While you’re in class, really listen to the lecture. It may not be your favorite class, but if you’re going to be in class it will only be beneficial for you to listen and learn. Sometimes changing your perspective can change your whole attitude toward class. Instead of grumbling about going to class, tell yourself to look forward to it. This positive mindset will make class seem less dreadful, and you may end up learning more than you expected.
5. Think of the bigger picture
Never forget the reason you are paying an arm and a leg to go to college –to get a degree in something you love in order to have a successful, fulfilling life. When you keep this in perspective it will motivate you to do your best in everything you do.
Most importantly, do not dwell on your failures. Always remember you are more than a test grade and all of the stress and late-night studying will be worth it.