Since the semester is almost over, it’s common to have woken up on occasion thinking, “Boy, college is miserable and my life stinks”. However, you still get out of bed and go on with your day, never changing anything. But girl, if you are waking up every morning with this thought, it’s time for you to go out and make a change!
Only you know what will truly make you happy; I know college is just hard in general, but it shouldn’t be a completely miserable experience. Maybe you’re in the wrong major or hanging out with the wrong group of friends. Most people continue living their life never making any sort of change because fear holds them back. They are afraid to leave their comfort zone, leave the “rut” that they’ve come to know and love. But I’m here to tell you, don’t be afraid. If your friends are toxic, then leave them, don’t be afraid what they think of you; be selfish and do what is going to make you happy. If you’re considering changing your major but don’t want to because you only have 3 semesters left at Auburn, don’t let that stop you. Don’t kick yourself for not finding your passion right off the bat; it’s okay to be in college longer than 4 years. It’s okay to do what truly makes you happy even if it means veering off course and doing something completely different.
So maybe you’re not ready to make a change as drastic as switching majors but still need a mid-semester pick me up. If you’re daring enough, go to the salon and change your hair style; if you’ve been blonde your whole life try going darker and getting a bob! As far as academics go, sign up for a class you’ve never taken before—and no, I’m not referring to Calculus 2 Honors. Instead, sign up for kick boxing or the scuba diving class. Do something out of your comfort zone that will break up the monotony of your hard, major-oriented classes.
A change is still a change, no matter how small. Try walking to campus instead of taking the bus. Breathe in the fresh crisp air and relinquish in the beauty of Auburn’s campus. If you’re one of the lucky few not getting discouraged by the inevitable end of the semester, keep on doing you. If you’re one to wake up in the morning with an overwhelming urge to make a change, then do it sister, you’re the only obstacle standing in your way. Remember, nothing changes if nothing changes.