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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Are any of us really here for the right reasons?

Jacqueline Trumbull

I know she’s going to be busy going back to school, but she’s the straight to the point bachelorette we all need. She’s shown that she’s smart and understands her feelings, very level-headed. She wouldn’t let guys get back that couldn’t hold a conversation. *Cough* Arie *Cough*


Kendall Long

She’s the quirky bachelorette we all need but don’t deserve. Can you imagine all the taxidermy jokes we’d get? Also, she needs more air time with her sister so we can get a Kendall and Kylie spinoff that doesn’t involve the Kardashians.


Marikh Mathias

We didn’t see much of her, but I think she could bring some drama to the show. Keeping up the POC train of bachelorettes would be great too.


Seinne Fleming

Speaking of POCs, Seinne is an intelligent Yale graduate that deserves love. Even though she’s clearly too good for this franchise, she deserves love.


Bekah Martinez

From being reported missing by her mother to the single black tear shed, who wouldn’t want her as the bachelorette? I know she just turned 23, but come on, think of the drama! She won’t let those men get by with those stupid cliches we get every season. Give this manic pixie dream girl her own show!

For being such a bland vanilla man, Arie Luyendyk, Jr. really got some of the best women this franchise has ever seen. 

Christina is a pre-graphic design major at Auburn University.