Vanderpump Rules has recently taken reality television by storm. Stemming from Bravo’s “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,” it follows Lisa Vanderpump as she manages her restaurants while watching these young adults who work under her flourish.. or fight in them as well. Most of the cast are in their late 20’s, early 30’s and are career bartenders and career servers at her main restaurant SUR. I think this show is almost better than The Hills just because of how more transparent these cast members are unlike LC and her crew (remember the scripted rumors anyone?).
In addition, there is also intense drama, and so many funny moments that it’s hard to stop watching after starting! It’s so interesting with the character development with this show as well. They all start off as broke adults who work at Lisa’s restaurant, but through the seasons on this show you can see them start to progress in to Hollywood socialites. From Botox, to sleeping with their best friend’s boyfriend, there isn’t a topic that hasn’t been mentioned on this show.
Also, I think this idea behind this show is awesome. Lisa Vanderpump is obviously a millionaire and has money to spend. Instead of just flaunting it around, she helps these guys work to their best abilities and rewards them with promotions or nice vacations. Lisa definitely has a strong work ethic and it’s great to see how she implicates it on this show. 10/10 recommend!