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5 New Years Resolutions You Can Actually Do (Maybe)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

5 New Years Resolutions You Can Actually Do (Maybe)


At the beginning of every new year, millions of people create a list of resolutions, promising themselves, their family, and whoever will listen on social media that they will stick to it. And by day 2, 10, or 30, millions of people do not follow through. I am one of them, you are one of them – we all are a part of this! Here are a couple resolutions that take minimal effort but will sort of impact your life in a healthy way.


1. Drink Water

Just do it. Buy a cute water bottle or steal an ugly one your parents got for free at work, I don’t care, just fill it with water. Keep it in your backpack and become known as the girl who always drinks water. It’s good for you! The clear skin? Water. Less bloating? Water. Be able to go to the bars just as often but without as bad of a hangover? WATER.


2. Use a Planner

Seriously, quit romanticizing being lazy this year. Buy a physical one from Target with pages for your “goals & daily thankfuls”. Use the free calendar connected to your student email, or one from the bookstore. Compile your syllabi and student activities into one easy to access folder. One step closer to bettering that GPA or not asking for as many extensions. Nothing kicks your butt into gear like seeing all your deadlines on one page.


3. Wash Your Face Every Night

Quit sleeping with your makeup on! I don’t care how drunk you were at 2 am! I don’t care how tired you were after the study session! 2018 is the year of self-care and it starts with your money maker. I know the beauty section of Walmart can be daunting and expensive, but even a little water and a washcloth are better than nothing at all. Smear some moisturizer on there and we’re in business. Every night. We’ll work out the fancy stuff later.


4. Post That Instagram Pic

Daily. Twice daily. Selfies. Group pics. Your boyfriend. Your Girlfriend. Post it. Show off. Edit it. Don’t edit it. Show the world what you think they should see and don’t overthink it.


5. Help Other Girls

This should be a given and shouldn’t be a resolution, yet here I am. And it made the list because it’s important yet not hard. Listen to them when they are sharing their voice and hold their hand when they need someone to walk them home and comment on the aforementioned selfies on their Instagram.




Maissie is currently studying English, Creative Writing, and Theatre Arts at Augustana College, where she is a writer for the on campus chapter of Her Campus. You can also see her leading as co-captain of the varsity volleyball team and watching Bob's Burgers with her sisters of the local social sorority Chi Omega Gamma. Her writing can also be found for the Augustana Observer's sports section.
Augustana Contributor