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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

Poor Chris was hungry. Again. I could hear it from the other fucking room—the loud gurgle when the stomach is just BEGGING for food. He had been refusing food for a few days. I decided I wasn’t going to force it. I’d just let Chris come out on his own. I knew he’d get too hungry eventually. He was upset with me; that last pretty little meal he had wasn’t just some nice warm soup. I mixed it up well enough for him not to notice, for him not to stop, turn away, and look horrified as he realized what I had done. Obviously, he didn’t notice. He just opened his mouth back up, letting me feed him like a sick child. What a good boy. I barely put anything in there—just some muscle relaxers.

Chris had really been fighting me when it came to taking a shower. Anytime I brought it up, I could see that immediate tension in his body, how, if he could, he’d turn away, trying to secretly hide himself from me. He would softly protest that he didn’t need one. But the recent times have been much more
 aggressive. That phrase is true: if people don’t want something, they’ll start kicking and screaming. Chris never really had the strength for that, even before I took him in. So this was surprising to me. I think that time was his little ‘fighting back’ moment, trying to defy me to gain some part of his dignity back. As if he originally had any. I guess he must’ve thought he did. So, I had to drug him, drag his ass over to the tub, and clean him all by myself. I even gave him such nice big bubbly water so he didn’t feel so exposed. He could barely move, so the poor guy was sooo afraid. I was able to move him any way I wanted; I could’ve easily pushed him under the water, killing him right then and there, but that would end my fun early, wouldn’t it? I would’ve played more into that fear, taken more time with all those ‘risky’ spots, but I wanted to get the bath done. I don’t like smelly mutts. Little doggies aren’t cute anymore if they smell like shit.

Anyways, he didn’t want to eat because he was worried about the drugs. He didn’t want to feel completely helpless again. Maybe it was also just his little ‘tough guy act.’ When I heard that little tummy rumble—hell, it was even more than a rumble—I just had to smile. He was starving; in the next few days, his body would’ve started eating itself. Rumble, rumble, in his little chair.

I ended up walking into the living room. There is some distance, so I made a big deal of it. I latched my fingers onto the chair, yanking on it like pulling on the collar of a disobedient dog. The chair let out a loud yelp as it scraped across the floor, being dragged from the table to my side. I inched closer, looking directly into those poor, scared eyes. He was bundled up in the corner, right by the wall. Trapped. I continued to gradually advance towards him, the chair screeching, almost like it was screaming. It didn’t want to go over there, but I was going to make it. The legs struck every knot and bump in the floor, filling the air with its protests.

I remember just staring at him, waiting for that adorable big rumble again. It happened, my lips turning into a smirk and his into a deeper frown. He was scared because he knew I was there because of the noise. I decided to have my fun; I mean, why fucking couldn’t I? He was right there, all tied up just for me, that tummy of his rumbling and crying out. I think if his stomach could have, it would’ve punched Chris, revolting against him for leaving it hungry for so long. I decided to play the ‘nice Jakey’ act, slowly rubbing my hand across his tummy. Oh, how he immediately tensed. His breath most definitely caught in his throat. I didn’t even say a word; just kept rubbing and rubbing, feeling his body try to move away, back pressed into his chair. But poor Chris had nowhere to go. He couldn’t go anywhere without me.

Larissa Hope

Augustana '28

I am Larissa Hope and I go to Augustana College. I am a freshman. My major is undecided at this point.