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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

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This Thursday, instead of our regular chapter meeting, we had our lovely events chair coordinate a bonding night with the events committee. The event took place in the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) House on campus, and we all hung out for about an hour and a half. 

We all wore our comfy pajamas and had a blast, starting the night with some highs and lows from the members. It was a great way to get out frustrations and also congratulate each other on some great achievements we had made recently. Then, our events chair announced that we should go check out some of the activities around the house. Around the house in all different rooms were several activities. In one room, there was a “poetry lounge” where people could create and read poetry, bouncing ideas off of each other. In another room, the room I was in, was coloring sheets with materials, nail polish, and face masks. Then, downstairs, there were several group board games and card games, as well as a Nintendo Switch for people to play if they wanted to. 

The house filled with laughter and conversation as everybody was able to enjoy each other’s presence and get to know one another on a deeper level. We had everyone put their phones in a pile so we were disconnected from social media and other obligations, putting an emphasis on community and being together. It was a really fun experience, and the perfect “brain break” for everyone, since midterms have been consuming the majority of our time and energy. 

I can’t even begin to express my gratitude and love for this group. It makes me emotional thinking about how far we have come, and how far we can still go. I feel so blessed to have an executive board that fulfills their duties with a smile on their face and passion in their minds. Her Campus is truly something special, and I look forward to having plenty more bonding nights in the future! 

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Bryn Hansmeier

Augustana '25

I am a senior at Augustana College! I am a double major in management and marketing, as well as a double minor in communication studies and philosophy. I am on the pre-law track. I am a co-correspondent in HerCampus!