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Benefits of Starting a Routine in College, Coming from a College Student.

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

By. Hannah Alvarez

I love my routine, honestly I love all of my routines. All the way from my morning routine which I use every day to my deep clean Sunday routine which I do every two to three weeks. As a college student, I have noticed that my routines have become more tedious and honestly I am thankful for that. The tedious schedule has made my days productive and that is all what we strive for. I rely on these routines to make sure that I can stay happy and healthy and so should you. While starting a routine may be difficult, trust me, there are many benefits to starting one if you haven’t already. 

When you think of routine, what do you think of and do you think it’s worth it? I, myself, asked this question before I started using it, but trust me as a college student, starting this routine was the best decision I ever made and I was able to continue this routine into the summer. Don’t let your mental health or your lazziness stop you from having one. If you are having difficulty starting one though, always start small. I started with small goals for myself like I will always wake up at this time then I slowly went to what I usually did.  If you notice you do certain things first like before others and things like that you are probably naturally starting a routine. Just keep that up and there you go you got yourself a routine. 

Mentally, routines probably keep most people sane like let’s be honest. Even when I go off the routine for just a little bit, I have noticed that my mental health declines. I don’t know if it is because my body just knows that something is off kilter or what, but something doesn’t feel right when I am off it. Same goes for all my other routines. If I skip a routine or two, something just doesn’t feel right. Look at starting a routine as a way to start over. College is a great way to refresh. For example, before I came to college I had a pretty simple routine because usually I had a family member always remind me if I did something out of the “routine”. When I came to college I knew that was not going to succeed if I kept the same things up. It took, not going to lie, a month and a half and it was a rough month and a half, but I finally found something that works and I have kept up with the routine for over a year now. I am proud to say that this routine is probably my most important. This is my morning routine. I have done the same thing. I get up, make my bed, do the things I have to do in the bathroom first then get dressed then if I am feeling up because I am a college student taking morning classes and I am exhausted I do my make up and hair, always put perfume on, write in my journal, eat something small, pack my bag and head to class. I am proud of this routine and you should too. Like I said earlier, college is a great time to start a routine.    

Hello everyone my name is Hannah Alvarez and I am a sophomore. I am currently double majoring in Psychology and Environmental Studies, but I may add on a minor. On campus I am involved in ESA(Epsilon Sigma Alpha) and also apart of the Phi Rho Sorority. I am from a sub-burb just 45 min south of Denver, Colorado called Castle Rock and form being being from Colorado I also just love the outdoors. I just like an hour away from the mountains so in the summer of love hiking, going on bike rides, driving up to the mountain towns and hanging out with people. I am also very adventurous so white-water rafting and activity's like that excite me. In the winter, I try to get up to the mountains as much as possible and enjoy the winter activity's that the mountains have to offer.