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Five College Necessities You Probably Forgot About

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

By now, I’m sure we’re all back on campus at this point, whether you’ve been unpacked for weeks or are only starting now, and those of us who’re close enough to be able to do so are planning to go home for a weekend here or there soon. 

Chances are, when you’re home, you might grab a few things you forgot to bring. If you’re anything like me, though, you don’t even know what it is that you forgot, so allow me to list out a few things you probably forgot and will probably need at some point.

  1. Tape, staples, and paper clips!
    1. Not every library or printing center has any of these, and those that do run out… a lot. I found it a million times easier to just bring my own of each of these, and they’ve all been so useful, whether for professors who need everything printed, or definitely not taping things on my wall because we’re not supposed to use tape…
  2. Scissors!
    1. I forgot these moving in both my freshman year and sophomore year, and both times I’ve needed them within the first few weeks. Trust me, it’s better to just bring your own than it is to make a run to the nearest Dollar Tree asap.
  3. A broom or vacuum cleaner!
    1. I never forgot these, as I’m a bit of a clean freak, but the amount of friends I had who didn’t have either of these things and were constantly asking to borrow mine was astonishing. Dorms get dirty fast, please just bring one of these and stay on top of the mess to the best of your ability.
  4. Can opener!
    1. You will get sick of dining food, you will go out to buy your own food, and you will buy some canned food without thinking about it. And then you’ll get home and realize you have no way of opening the can. It’s better to just have a can opener with you.
  5. Thermometer and other sick supplies!
    1. We all bring ibuprofen and vitamins and all that, but everyone gets sick at college, A LOT. You will need something to take your temperature with, cold medicine, and anything else you usually take when sick. I have a thermometer, mucinex, sudafed, dayquil and nyquil, and I know people who have anti-nausea medication, migraine meds, and more. You know your body best; bring what you’ll need at your worst so you can stay your best.

Enjoy the year, and make sure you have everything you need!

My name is Mak, and I go by they/them pronouns. I'm a part of the Augustana College class of 2027, and I'm a History/Sociology-Anthropology double major with a double minor in WGSS and Disability Studies. I'm your classic insufferable angry queer feminist poet with too many opinions and too much time on her hands. Give me any topic and I'll write up a little rant about it, no problem, though I occasionally struggle with speaking out loud. I absolutely love to write and draw and sing, and I know way too much information about the band Fall Out Boy. I don't necessarily believe in astrology, but I'll admit it's a hobby of mine (I'm a Leo sun, Cancer moon, and Capricorn rising). My main goal is to work towards a better, safer future, both on campus and out in the world, for *all* women and feminine-aligned individuals, as well as to examine, understand, and deconstruct the sociology of gender and patriarchy in our society today. I'm always open to discussion and constructive criticism of any and everything I write on here — no one is perfect, myself included. Just shoot me a message or find me on campus. Love and support to all!