I started writing music back in highschool. I didn’t think I was capable of writing music which is why I wanted to test that theory out. The end of my freshman year of highschool, I ended up composing a song called “Cycle of Love” which was a rap that talked about a past relationship and how it made me feel. After that song, I kept on writing more and realized I was absolutely capable of writing music. I also realized that it was a way for me to express my feelings in a way that was easier than just flat out talking about them. It started off just being raps I would write and then years later I wanted to switch it up. I wrote a regular song in May of 2023 called “Idk What’s Getting Over Me” which talked about how I wanted to find love again after keeping myself closed off for a while. Conveniently a few months after I wrote that song, I ended up meeting my girlfriend. The newest song I’ve written was back in July and is called “Somewhere Far Away”. It talks about my mental health struggles and how there are some days you just want to disappear and go somewhere far away but how we also have to keep going in life no matter what the battle. Through all my music, there is a story being told. I plan to one day put them out there for the world to hear but as of right now, I’m just not ready yet. Music is my outlet, one of my passions, and the way I cope through this chaotic life. It’s a part of who I am. As a result of college keeping me so busy, I don’t have the time to write as much as I would like to anymore. I usually write during breaks such as Christmas or summer. When I do write though, I always know I’ll make something beautiful. Before I wrote music, I was a major sports head. I partook in sports such as Gymnastics, Track, Swimming, and Cheer. Due to a torn acl and meniscus injury from cheerleading my freshman year of highschool, I had to leave my sporty side behind. That is when I discovered music and I realized I had a back up outlet I didn’t even know about. Writing music got me through the hard times of realizing I could never do sports again and gave me another purpose in my life. I had to lose something to gain something is the way I look at it. Writing music isn’t the only way I cope. Listening to it and making playlists helps just as well. I have talked to people that hate music and hate listening to it. I genuinely don’t know how that’s possible as a world of music to me sounds incapable and impossible. Music to me is beautiful. There is always a story being told through it. That is why it holds a dear place in my soul. Writing music has truly saved me.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.