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Ranking Grass Pokemon Starters

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

This is by far the most difficult list I have to make. If I had to say what my favorite types are, grass is either the second or first in my book. My favorite Pokemon is a grass starter (spoilers for number one). My opinion is mostly based on design and cuteness, and maybe sometimes moves and capabilities if I can remember. I have never played the mainline games before, so keep that in mind! Let’s get started! 

9. Treecko | Generation 3 ~ Hoenn

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I don’t care what you say, he’s ugly! I know people adore Sceptile, and Grovyle isn’t a terrible middle evolution (some on this list have awful middle evolutions). But let me be here to say, I don’t care how strong he is. He’s one of the only generations that have me picking a different starter that isn’t grass. I don’t like this line’s design. Sceptile is weird and gross, why does he have pimples on his back? He makes me appreciate Mudkip even more. 

8. Chespin | Generation 6 ~ Kalos

AD 4nXfc0C4 2PgrcjUforUBE9HFtup05C7LC1T4MfAsz8HQY8cPk9L7HVP7cFuZ98OTB ukB KSKeiXFeJXQI1dMGfJ 5ZsOBjLjqhQ 7yTxnNHJN4 9GLg6Tha2fHAVNyUThVfpKPWw?key=715UFUXzg40wSCLVnDf0ceRV

I think Chespin is cute. He has a decent design. But then?? Quilladin? Hello? Ugly. Chesnaught is fine, and he seems pretty strong too. But I find him boring, I can’t help it. And oh I am so tired of the fighting dual typing in the final evolution. I know people got mad about the fire/fighting dual typing, but I think it should just be gotten rid of altogether. Give it a break for a while and make a different dual type final evolution. 

7. Chikorita | Generation 2 ~ Johto

AD 4nXeAceBBkaKLorQrvhqz8kkB60uQUUHoashmdOtAhNqmt kFFLuaWmqnZ6EmxwOrgnX 9KsvpMg9JFhKrG5 X3wWyFGhVmriBcueTzCm8SGFgmVSPsG Z2pB7aAi2VZcs4BwXTmfsg?key=715UFUXzg40wSCLVnDf0ceRV

Chikorita hate is NOT tolerated here! Leave the poor baby alone with your rude comments. I don’t care how weak Meganium is, she’s trying her best. I think that with the right idea, someone could make Chikorita, and later Meganium, amazing. Bayleef isn’t too bad of a middle evolution either, she isn’t ugly at least. I think that Chikorita being the grass starter for Legends ZA is perfect, because she not only will get more attention, she will be getting a mega-evolution. I am really excited to see what her mega-evolution will look like. 

6. Grookey | Generation 8 ~ Galar 

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Grookey is so cute! Such a friendly little guy, and the best of his generation. I like Rillaboom too. Thwackey is not great, Imean he’s pretty ugly, but most middle evolutions get the short end of the stick. I think Rillaboom is a really strong final evolution, and his “job” actually makes sense. Grookey is also the perfect little partner. 

5. Turtwig | generation 4 ~ Sinnoh 

AD 4nXcNa05I3VWp55c0FKiXrN4IB eU0u4TCUyYs9ILw9IUlDGeSauekk8o7g1HfHeabULAnvbVcHrl4ugLisBzvzVjC 64z wcpLRAGRPLp uXQpv1KKm4J2uljqv8KtBqP7bbZ6oI9A?key=715UFUXzg40wSCLVnDf0ceRV

Originally, I had Rowlet and Turtwug switched, but the reason why I ultimately chose Turtwig as number four instead of number five is because Grotle and Torterra just don’t do it for me. Turtwig is incredibly cute, and I especially love his name, but Torterra isn’t the amazing final evolution that I hoped it would be. I think it’s cool that there is essentially a forest on its shell, but it’s not super smashing design wise. I will give Torterra credit though, it has great defense and HP in game, so I have been told, meaning it’s a tank for sure. 

4. Rowlet | Generation 7 ~ Alola

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Rowlet is very cute as a starter Pokemon. He’s just a round, bulbous kind of guy. I am not a fan of Dartrix though, he kind of reminds me of an old man. Decidueye, however, kicks butt. I love its design, and it does well competitively. I especially love its Hisuian design, as I believe the colors work well for what it’s doing. Also, a grass/ghost typing? Hella cool. I think that Rowlet is a super cool starter to go with. 

3. Snivy | Generation 5 ~ Unova 

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I know a lot of people aren’t big fans of Snivy. I think that Snivy deserves a lot more love. It has one of the best middle evolutions for a starter, with Servine being pretty graceful, and then it turns into Serperior. Serperior is everything I want in a final evolution. She works well with what she is doing, and gets hated on too much. I don’t care if it’s “just a snake,” she is so elegant. She’s really fast and niche, and even though she has weak moves, her design alone got her the number three spot on my list. 

2. Bulbasaur | Generation 1 ~ Kanto

AD 4nXctw6PhEmub86PeDdgVb4Dgz9Y0d5 jnWf60vRYtgvE4CImfu8YDWGhxfU0E6bpRRZzGfrcKzEz3gHXApe1z RSBF4FViHA5PZYsTurC0I1I1N3y6j57EcD7mDARE j0rouUYLMA?key=715UFUXzg40wSCLVnDf0ceRV

Okay, Bulbasaur is my fourth favorite Pokemon of all time. There’s just one more grass starter that ranks slightly higher. I love him so much, I love his backstory in the original anime as being the protector of a little village. Then, he chooses not to evolve while all of the others do. He’s so serious about his duty to Ash. I love the design, and I want to have a real-life Bulbasaur so badly. He’s just a little guy! Not to mention, Ivysaur is one of the best middle grass evolutions, next to Servine. Ivysaur is very pleasing, both design-wise and name-wise. Then, the absolute GOAT becomes Venusaur, one of the strongest tanks to this day. Venusaur is who does grass Pokemon justice, and proves that they can be just as strong as everyone else. 

1. Sprigatito | Generation 9 ~ Paldea

AD 4nXf4OGCEED6la4MXjtAnMDPAlYYCbkJL1I05IO t3enYyXtOIiTjloisNcJhK72Rr9 EO9i0n6oFZFIzVEg1W096 bgebLNrDf2kUJ ZNoQ6XfRIas991zQvZszT1nKReXcd hQ?key=715UFUXzg40wSCLVnDf0ceRV

This is a very biased list so I better not see any Sprigatito hate! She is my number one favorite of all time, not just my number one grass starter. I don’t care if you just see her as a cat, I can’t even explain how much I love her. She is SO cute in the Horizons anime, and her sassy personality is EXACTLY how I envision her. I have a huge Funko Pop of her in my room, and she makes me so happy. I should buy a life-size plush of her. Now, Floragato isn’t super remarkable. I hate how the line becomes bi-pedal the same way that Inceneroar eventually becomes. I wish that she remained more cat-like, and took after Delcatty, honestly. But, I love the colors. Meowscarada took a long time to get used to. Why does she have to be a magician?? I don’t know, but I think that the final evolution is pretty cool. I know that it’s not the best in battle, and grass/dark type isn’t exactly ideal, but dammit I will love her despite it all. Justice for my sweet grass kitty!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Hopefully, my next article will be ranking the eeveelutions, another controversial topic that will have readers at my throat. Until next time!

Bryn Hansmeier

Augustana '25

I am a senior at Augustana College! I am a double major in management and marketing, as well as a double minor in communication studies and philosophy. I am on the pre-law track. I am a co-correspondent in HerCampus!