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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Babson chapter.

With finals less than a month away for most college students, the number of quizzes, papers, and presentations may be starting to ramp up along with your stress levels.  As the assignments pile up suddenly, you have less free time and even less time to focus on your mental health. Focusing on your mental health by sleeping and eating well, keeping stress levels down, listening to your mind and body, and maintaining a productive and well-balanced schedule can seem impossible.  But, to keep your mental health in check during the busiest school weeks of the year, you can take as little as 10 minutes to do something to better yourself. Here are my top 10 ideas for a 10-minute de-stressor!


1. Read a book

Reading every single night for around 10 minutes has been a change I made this semester and I could not be happier about the positive effects it has on my mind and body. It helps slow my mind, ease my stress, and calm me down before I go to sleep.  As a result, I have a much more restful and restorative nights sleep where I fall asleep much faster than if I were staring at the blue light on my phone. A good night’s sleep is the key to lower stress levels and increased brain power during the most work-intensive weeks of the year.


2. Do a face mask

Ah yes, the beloved face mask.  Doing a face mask forces you to sit down, do nothing, and let your skin reap the benefits from some additional TLC. A brightening face mask that gives you good looking skin will help you feel good, too!


3. Make yourself a delicious and healthy snack

For me, food is always the answer.  A good snack can give you a boost of energy, mood, and focus, and what could be better while you’re studying so hard? A favorite of mine is an apple and peanut butter with cocoa nibs. Sweet, satisfying, and full of nutrients to give you a big boost in a little way!


4. Call home

Hearing a comforting voice from home when you’re extra stressed can be a cure-all.  A soothing and familiar voice to talk you through your woes is always the answer. Having someone who is not at school with you to rant to and tell you to calm down is an effective way to work through your stress and get positive reinforcements; that is what family is there for!


5. Get active!

You’ve probably heard this one over and over again but taking time to even go for a 10-minute walk by yourself can do wonders for clearing your head, getting your blood flowing, and getting some fresh air and Vitamin D (because you surely cannot find that in your campus library).  And the best part about a walk is that you can go from anywhere and go for as little or long as you want.


6. Pick out a feel-good outfit

Look good, feel good. Always. In the last week of classes, as the sun is shining, set aside a few minutes to plan a cute outfit for the day. A cute dress or skirt could be a nice change from your t-shirt and running shorts. And if you look good, you will instantly feel better and more confident about yourself. Instant mood booster!


7. Journal or write down three positive things about your day

While this may seem cliche, writing down good things in your life or taking time to sort through your thoughts will make you appreciate your day and reflect on all the amazing things you have in your life.  Writing things by hand will slow your mind and help calm you down. Always remember to find and focus on the positive.


8. Call a friend from high school

The person who was always by your side going through stressful times with you in high school may just be the person who you need supporting you right now as well.  Calling your high school bestie and chatting quickly can put you in a great mood easily.


9. Make a cup of tea

Beloved tea, another one of your mom’s “cure-alls”.  Whether you are run down from a cold or just need something comforting, a hot cup of tea and honey will soothe you.  Plus, if you choose a caffeinated tea, it will give you extra energy and a mental boost without the jitters of coffee.


10. Get off campus with friends

While this de-stressor idea will take more than 10 minutes, I figured it was worth putting in because it always has such a positive impact on me.  Getting off campus and doing something fun before everyone heads their own separate ways for the summer is a great way to forget about the three papers, four exams, and two presentations you all have. Get some fresh air, good food, and quality time with the people you love!  

These are just a few ideas to jump-start your journey to a less stressful last few weeks of the school year! Happy de-stressing!


I'm a Junior at Babson College who is an outgoing, energetic, organized, coffee-obsessed person with a passion for running, fitness, travel, culture, cuisine, and fashion. 
???? Founder of Her Campus Babson. Lover of stories. Over drinker of coffee. College student interested in the intersection of business, tech, and creativity.