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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Babson chapter.

The time has passed when entrepreneurs can neglect others, and the environment, for the sake of profit. Today, companies are held to high standards when it comes to the impact they have on their surrounding communities and environments. As reported in a survey by Mckinsey & Co, 95 percent of CEOs believe that today’s society puts greater emphasis on a company’s public responsibilities than it did before.

This perceptual trend is critical to current university students who make up the next generation of entrepreneurs. To become successful in future markets, it has become necessary for students to learn how they can make a positive social impact, and there’s no better way to do so than learning from otherstudents who have done just that.

At Babson’s Take Action Now Summit on March 3, 2018, students will hear the stories of extraordinary change-makers on how they’re creating positive social change. Speakers include Fortune 500 advisor Yulkendy Valdez, Waku Founder Juan Giraldo, and Syrian refugee crisis author Sarah Little. Beyond just ‘what’ they do, these speakers will share the deepest aspects of their thought process, diving into their ‘whys’ and ‘hows’. Furthermore, they will also share the problems they’re currently facing, of which students will get a chance to solve through design thinking

Through this, students will gain an incredibly practical understanding of how they can emulate these social entrepreneurs and ignite change themselves. By the end of the summit, students  will learn how to incorporate social impact into their business education and beyond

To reserve your spot at  the summit, go here or visit http://www.babsonsocialimpact.org to learn more.
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