If you are a Babson College student or alumnus, you have been through the grueling process of launching an FME (Foundation of Management and Entrepreneurship) business venture. I, too, have learned to live and breathe all things FME – I am proud to say that I have survived all the legal hurdles, late-night meetings, team conflicts, and desperate sales.
Whether your business turned a profit or turned out to be a total flop, each of us deserves a pat on the back for holding ourselves together up until the Close of Business.
What better way to reward yourself than some personal pampering time?
While I could tell you about all the luxurious day spas in and around Boston, I do understand that some of us are on a “college budget”. So, as a self-proclaimed skincare and beauty connoisseur, I have compiled for you a list of some of my favorite affordable “home” spa treatments.