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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Babson chapter.

I’m sure you’ve heard a thousand times that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But let’s be honest; a hearty breakfast can be easily neglected whilst at university. Between 8 AM classes during the weekdays and a college budget for going out on the weekends, many of students lack both the time and resources to enjoy their first meal of the day. And, unless you live off of protein shakes or shell out $50 for weekend brunch, you may be wondering if there is any hope beyond the mediocre campus dining hall.

As for my university-dining experience, I live in a double with a private kitchen so I’m not required to have a meal plan. Also, my dorm is at the opposite end of campus in relation to the dining hall, and you’ll rarely catch me walking or driving half a mile for a meal in below-freezing temperatures (thanks, New England winters!). Eating, in general, requires a certain amount of effort that sometimes I don’t want to make, so it’s critical that I at least have a decent breakfast to help me power through classes and homework. I have a few staples that are not only quick, and easy to make, but also affordable, and – most importantly – tasty!


1. Avocado Toast

It’s basic, I know, but so yummy. Avocado toast allows for a lot of variation; you can choose literally any bread and toppings, as long as you include the avocado! Personally, I prefer to use a dark rye “When Pigs Fly” bread. As a meal, I use one piece of toast for sliced avocado and shredded mozzarella and a second piece of toast for sliced avocado topped with a sunny-side-up egg. Unless you live in a double or suite with a full kitchen and permitted use of a toaster oven, you’ll have to settle for the community kitchen in your dorm. You can easily “toast” your bread either on a baking sheet in an oven, or in a pan on the stovetop. If you’re feeling adventurous, feel free to sprinkle some cayenne powder!


2. Bagel and Lox

A staple in my mother’s Jewish household, a bagel and lox (brined salmon) is a long-time favorite of mine. The best bagels are the multigrain variety from Stew Leonard’s in Connecticut, but I’ve settled for the everything-bagels at Whole Foods. I swear by New York “Temptee” cream cheese for my bagel spread, and often find that the lox at Whole Foods is on sale for Amazon Prime members! Do keep in mind, though, that the salmon must be used within four days of opening the package. If you want to be extra, go ahead and add sliced onions and capers – I certainly cannot be bothered with two extra steps.


3. Continental Breakfast

You can personalize your continental breakfast based on whatever ingredients you have. Seriously, it’s buffet-inspired. I like any combination of scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, toast, cereal, fruit, and oatmeal. My go-to consists of two eggs scrambled, two turkey sausages, and a serving of fruit. I’ve found that scrambling eggs is easiest by first adding just enough cooking oil to cover the bottom of a small pan, then whisking the eggs together with a dollop of whole milk. Once the eggs have cooked a bit, I add one slice of American cheese and a sprinkling of pepper. Due to ease of storage, my fruit of choice is either a clementine or applesauce.

​So, there you have it – 3 iconic breakfast options that are perfect for university students looking for a great way to start the day. Of course, you could easily microwave Hot Pockets or an Eggo waffle, but I encourage you to try something equally simple but slightly more sophisticated. Think of it this way: you’re a university student (otherwise known as adult-in-training), and ought to put a little more effort in fueling your body. Happy cooking!