Motivation is a behavior that everyone associates with success. Think of someone who you believe is motivated. Are they successful? Chances are you think they’re not only successful, but they make it look so easy while they’re at it! The hard part about motivation is that it always seems to come and go as it pleases, it never stays consistent––no matter who you are. That friend who makes it look easy may actually struggle with motivation constantly, which is what makes them even more of a boss for intentionally motivating themselves day-in and day-out.
Well now consider this; it’s even harder for a college student to stay motivated. The typical college student not only juggles classes and homework, but usually an actual day job, sometimes night job and extracurriculars too! Who has time for the gym? How do students find the time to plan their workout, and actually follow through on it? Oh, and let’s not forget, COVID has introduced a whole new set of obstacles that get in the way of our motivation as well (thanks a lot, Zoom).
While it isn’t easy, what if someone told you that creating 4 simple habit changes can make staying motivated to work out easier? If you need a tad of inspiration to get your motivation in gear, try making these changes to see results.
- Write down your plans for the day and intentionally schedule a workout.
I always tell myself “I’ll go to the gym after I finish my classes and homework for the day,” but I usually don’t have any motivation or time to do it when I get my day going. Sure, every college student has had this happen to them at least once or twice, even if not directly about working out. It is so easy to make an excuse not to get your workout in. Or to make an excuse not to do that homework until the night before it’s due. The trick here is to schedule your time in the gym intentionally (or at home, whichever outlet makes you more comfortable) that way you can immediately gratify yourself for knocking that off your To-Do list for the day.
- Find someone that can hold you accountable (think of a buddy system).
Working out shouldn’t feel like a chore, it should come from a positive place. The best way to stay motivated is to stay positive, and friends who support you often make it so much easier. Whether it’s your roommate, BFF, significant other, or maybe your classmate, find someone who you can update with your workouts so that they can keep you accountable. If nobody knows that you planned to work out that day, it’s so much easier to make an excuse and not follow through. Now that you’ve told your roommate that you’re hitting the gym after your class, you know you have to do it!
- Create a bomb playlist that makes you feel like you can take on the world.
I haven’t been able to think of an issue that music can’t solve, it’s the ultimate hack to motivation, honestly. If you’ve ever been to a gym, you’ll notice that every single person has some form of earbuds or headphones. This is because working out without music on is pretty much unheard of within the world of fitness. Music has this amazing ability to motivate and pump you up better than any hype man could! Preparing a playlist ahead of time is an easy and simple way to motivate yourself to burn some calories, because your favorite jamming can spice up any workout.
- Get inspiration from social media to visualize your goals.
Just like you’ve probably done a million times on Pinterest when imagining your super trendy future wedding, you should find inspiration on social media by following motivated people who inspire you to stay motivated and achieve your goals. Not only is this a great way to visualize what you want to achieve, it’s a great way to also learn more exercises, meal recipes, or get cute gym outfit inspo! Some examples of my favorite handles on insta are @whitneyysimmons, @linnlowes, @sydneyjfitness (a goddess college student currently studying Bio and Pre-Dental), @stephanie_buttermore, and @nattbfit.
No one is saying that this is going to be easy, but 4 changes to your habits and lifestyle can go a long way when it comes to getting and/or staying motivated to work out. We’re all human, so remember to take it easy on yourself if staying motivated is difficult, or if you need a day off from working out. Just remember to love yourself, take care of yourself, and stay healthy!