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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bates chapter.

Aloha, Her Campus Bates readers! 

In Hawaiian, Aloha means love, peace and compassion, but more than that (according to a Hawaiian travel blog) it’s “guidelines on how to live life — a life of Aloha is one when the heart is so full, it is overflowing with the ability to influence others around you with your spirit.” It also is used to say both hello and goodbye, so we thought it was appropriate for the last post on Her Campus Bates before the site’s summer hiatus.

This is a time of endings and new beginnings. It’s the end of another school year, but the beginning of the summer. It’s the end of our (Michelle and Becca’s) time at Bates, but the beginning of the Bates adventure for a new crop of first years. Our hearts are so full (we are living lives of Aloha right now), and we are so thankful to have been able to write and lead Her Campus Bates this year. September will see the beginning of the editorship of Audrey Zafirson ’16 and Hyewon Shin ’18 for the Fall 2015 semester. We are excited to see what these sweet, talented girls do with the magazine.  

We hope you have a great summer! We leave you with these words from Ralph Waldo Emerson. 

— Michelle and Becca 


Becca Carifio is a senior history major at Bates College. Obsessed with coffee, scarves, videos of cute animals and polka dots. Currently trying to convince her parents that reading comic books for her thesis on Wonder Woman during World War II is worth their tuition money. 
HerCampus Bates College Co-Founder Find me at: http://heelsandthesoul.com