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How to Survive the Mid-Semester Slump

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bates chapter.

Now that second semester is halfway over, it seems more and more difficult to stay motivated – especially junior year. The time between February and April breaks seems to last forever; there are no days off, the weather is anything but pleasant, and sometimes you just get tired of seeing the same people around you every day. With a lull in the amount of work after mid-terms, being on campus can sometimes be incredibly boring. In order to get through these next couple of weeks, I’ve started to fight back against the mid-semester slump. Here’s how:

Thrift shopping. There’s no better time to do it than right now, I swear. I was sick of looking at the same clothes in my closet, but I needed to stop being so careless with my spending. One afternoon, I went to the local Goodwill and Salvation Army and came out with everything I was looking for. At Goodwill, I picked up a super cute sweater and a dark wash denim shirt, and at Salvation Army I found two corduroy button-ups. And it only cost me $15! I’ve found the trick is to look in the men’s section if you’re into the oversized clothes look like I am. Plus, there tends to be less men shopping at the stores in general so you’re more likely to find something good!

Going out to eat. The other night, my two friends & I looked at the Commons menu and knew there was no way we could eat that food. Honestly, after three years of the same meals, sometimes you’re desperate for a break. So, we decided to go to Applebee’s after we found out there was an hour wait at Longhorn for a table. Trust me, nothing feels more liberating than escaping the bubble of campus for a meal with your best friends. Plus, you can get a steak, so why wouldn’t you want to?

Drinking non-Commons coffee. If you’re like me and you’re addicted to coffee, admit that you consume Commons coffee purely for the caffeine and not necessarily the taste. I need to have coffee in the morning to function, so I drink the iced French vanilla every day out of necessity. The hot coffee doesn’t do it for me at all though, so I crave getting coffee from other places. Now that I’ve finally brought my car to campus, getting good coffee is easier than ever! I’ve already gone to Dunkin Donuts three times this week…

Working out. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve been running so much this week because I’ve felt so unmotivated. Once I get a good workout in, I feel more capable of taking on my day. I wake up early in the mornings to fit a nice workout in before class. A workout is the best way to clear my mind and get me focused for the rest of the day. As long as I keep up with a workout routine, I can channel any frustrations I have with the semester into exercise and take a small break from whatever may be on my mind that day.

Listening to new music. Do you ever find yourself listening to the same three playlists over and over again? Because I do. When I start getting tired of the music I’m listening to, I’ll sit down and take some time to look for new music. I’ve found this really helpful and super fun, and you’d be surprised at some of the jams you’ll find. By changing up the playlists you listen to, you get a new rhythm to keep you motivated. 

Don’t let the mid-semester slump take over your life. Short term is approaching!


Photo courtesy of Unsplash.

Sophie Warren is senior at Bates College majoring in biology and history. She's from Massachusetts but was born in Wisconsin, so cheese is a really important part of her life. Her interests include dogs, tacos, and chillin.
Rachel Minkovitz is a senior at Bates College double majoring in Psychology and French and Francophone Studies. She spends a lot of time listening to music, hanging out with friends, reading and writing, advocating for social justice, and looking for furry animals.