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The 10 Lessons That Hermione Granger Taught Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Baylor chapter.

Like millions of other people around the world, ever since I was little, I loved the Harry Potter Series. Specifically, Hermione Granger has been a positive influence on my life because of how clearly she embodies the power every single woman possesses. Here are just a few lessons Hermione has taught me about the way we should live and act.

Embrace who you are

Hermione Granger grew up a muggle, and despite being thrown into a totally new environment surrounded by wizards, Hermione continued to be herself. She never changed who she was to “fit in” and certainly never let anyone tell her who she needed to be. Hermione fully embraced who she was in her heart: a smart, courageous, and talented individual.

Know that you deserve respect

Hermione wanted Ron to ask her to the Yule Ball in the fourth book, but instead of crying when Ron couldn’t bring up the courage to do so, she found herself a date and looked stunning. Hermione knew what she wanted, and wasn’t afraid to ask for it. This might be one of the most important lessons I’ve ever been taught and it’s knowing that it’s NEVER okay to settle for anything less than the respect we deserve.

Stand up for what you believe in and have an opinion

Hermione has never been afraid to stand up for injustice and have an opinion, even if that meant she was standing alone. Her belief to fight for the rights of house-elves drove her to create an organization called S.P.E.W. (Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare). Hermione knew that just one voice could change the trajectory of an entire movement and used her voice for good.

Don’t be afraid of bullies

Bullying affects 1 in 5 children in the United States alone. Who else cheered when Hermione punched Draco in the face? She is unapologetic and never one to hide in the presence of a bully (a true Gryffindor characteristic). We come across bullies in our everyday lives, whether that be at school, at work, or at home. Fear and silence will only encourage them to continue bullying but in these times, it’s important to remember to stick up for ourselves (maybe don’t punch them though).

Read, read, READ!

Hermione was nicknamed the brightest witch of her time, not because she had any innate magical abilities, but because she read every book she could. She solved the majority of the problems the trio faced in Hogwarts all by reading.

Face your fears head on

There have been a number of very scary situations that Hermione and the rest of the trio have had to face throughout the books. In every situation, Hermione knew that the best way to get past her fears is by facing them head on. I have learned from Hermione that it is okay to be afraid, that means we are human, but we should never hide from our fears.

Pain is inevitable

We’ve watched Hermione’s character grow throughout the years because of the pain she has had to endure. We’ve seen Hermione tortured, neglected, and seen her heart broken, yet, she always made the best of every situation. She was one of the first characters in a series who taught me that while pain in life is inevitable, the way we react to it is a choice.

Compassion is powerful

This is the choice each of us can make in times of hurt. We can either dwell in the hurt and drown, or we can choose to be like Hermione and be compassionate with others. Even though everyone at Hogwarts practically bullied Harry during the fourth book for being in the Triwizard Tournament, Hermione stuck by her friend and supported him throughout the competition. She believes that everyone should be treated with respect, whether it was her best friend or her worst enemy.

Be selfless

Throughout the seven books, we have seen Hermione constantly putting others before herself. She wiped her parents’ memories to keep them safe and has stood before her enemies to protect her friends. Hermione’s selflessness helped save the wizarding world and taught me from a very young age that being selfless brings a more positive outcome then selfishness ever will.


Cherish your community

Lastly, Hermione has taught me the importance of community. You don’t know who Hermione is without talking about Ron and Harry as well. They’re the golden trio, and through all of the messiness thrown their way, they got through it together. A good community can combat loneliness and build you up in times of stress.

These lessons have served me well throughout my life thus far. While Hermione is best known for her “Books! And Cleverness!” She has also taught me that “there are more important things: friendship and bravery.” Hermione has been a beacon to myself and other girls around the world by showing us that we can be more than just a pretty face. We have all of the capabilities to be who we are meant to be despite anything that might stand in our way. 



Cassandra Shin currently serves as the President of Her Campus at Baylor and is a senior majoring in Professional Writing & Rhetoric at Baylor University. She was born and raised in Austin, Texas and enjoys the constant live music around the city. When Cassandra isn't studying or in class, you can find her on spontaneous adventures with friends, performing, tending to her plants, learning new things or reading. She absolutely loves the Harry Potter books, meaningful conversations with people, spending time with Jesus, and writing.