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10 Thoughts Every Girl Has on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Valentine’s Day is coming up so soon and here is what some of us are going to be thinking:

1. I’m going to make this Valentine’s Day fun. No sadness for me

2. Aww that couple looks so cute holding hands. Why don’t I have that?

3. Is everyone in a relationship nowadays?? Am I the only single person left?

4. Crying is for the weak. Gotta keep it together.

5. How hard is it for him to just ask me on a date?

6. Why do we only celebrate love one day a year?

7. Why was this holiday more fun as a child?

8. At least Grandma sent me a Valentine’s card.

9. Wait, Valentine’s on a Tuesday this year? At least I’ll have a date with Mr. O’Neill

10. Now where’s the discounted chocolate?

Happy Valentines Day!!!! 














Taylor is a Junior at Boston College, majoring in Economics and minoring in English. When not writing articles for Her Campus BC, she can be found at BCMUN meetings, volunteering in the Admissions office, or taking classes at the Plex.
Molly is a senior at Boston College studying Communication and Political Science. She is currently a Campus Corespondent for Her Campus BC and is looking forward to writing articles! She loves to travel, hangout with her friends, and go on adventures. Her mantra is "If you are always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be" - Maya Angelou.