Finding time in the day to exercise can be practically impossible. Between classes, activities, and Netflix, it’s hard to take time out of your busy day to go to the Plex. Wouldn’t it be nice if some of your daily activities counted as working out, too?
Here are some things I think should count as exercise.
1. Speed walking from your dorm to class
2. Speed walking from your dorm to class while navigating around slow walkers
3. Resisting the urge to nap
4. Texting or typing
5. Walking in heels, especially on the weekend
6. Carrying heavy purses
7. Giving people the BC Look-away
8. Scooping ice cream
9. Preventing your skirt or dress from blowing in the wind
10. Walking in the wind in general
11. Standing in line at the Chocolate Bar
12. Thinking about going to the Plex (that’s exhausting)
13. Breaking in new Sperry’s
14. Making small talk
15. Pretending to be really invested in boring small talk
16. Walking to Cleveland Circle (obviously for Chipotle)
17. Eating burritos or wraps (it takes a lot of skill)
18. Lifting your arm when you have a lot of Alex and Ani bracelets on
19. Drinking iced coffee really quickly
20. Being in the sun
21. Watching other people exercise
22. Hearing other people talk about exercising
23. Painting your nails
24. Bonus points if you can paint one set of nails without smudging the other
25. Smiling (technically the requires muscle movement….right?)
So next time you feel bad about skipping your work out for the day, don’t. According to me, you’ve been exercising all along!
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