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5 Fashion Blogs Worth Stalking

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Recently, Her Campus featured an amazing article about how to start your very own fashion blog.  While the article provided some great advice, some of us, myself included, don’t have the time, resources, or creativity to just start a fashion blog.  But trust me collegiettes, that doesn’t mean we have to miss out on all the blogging fun! I find that reading (okay, maybe stalking) some of the best fashion blogs on the Internet is totally fun and exciting, but, full disclosure, it’s also incredibly addicting.  I’ve compiled a short list of the fashion blogs that have me drooling at every post. 

1)  Twin-studies – This is a special shout out to my good friends, Indiana University juniors Emily and Liz Farra, who not only started their own blog, but also introduced me to the incredible world of fashion blogging. Their blog serves as a trend watch, with short paragraphs following every post and photos pulled from both other fashion bloggers and their favorite stores (topshop, madewell, etc).  They’re obsessed with accessories (as am I) and have totally perfected the stacked bracelet look.  I love their blog because it is completely relatable as a college student, especially budgetwise.  Check it out at twin-studies.blogspot.com.

2)  BCxRR – BC for Rusted Revolution is a fairly recent edition to the blog community, but it stems from the original Rusted Revolution blog, started by two BC grads, who actually wrote for Her Campus before graduating last spring.  BCxRR is awesome because its written by several different BC students, so readers get tons of fashion perspectives from different bloggers.  You can find all these perspectives at bcxrr.wordpress.com.

3)  Sincerely, Jules – This blog is composed entirely of outfit posts with the simplest of descriptions beneath them.  The blogger has very funky taste, often pairing sneakers with dresses and skirts, but somehow totally pulling it off.  I love this blog, because I die for her ombre hair and her ability to mix patterns so chic-ly.  Her outfits are always unique and just really fun to look at.  Experience all the ombre perfection here, sincerelyjules.com.

4)  Atlantic Pacific – How can I even begin to describe this blog.  Blair Eadie, the author, time and time again has me completely drooling over each and every one of her outfit posts.  She pulls together effortlessly chic ensembles for every occasion, and tops them all off with glam accessories.  I can’t even do this blog justice…so just go check it out right now at atlantic-pacific.blogspot.com.

5)  Cupcakes and Cashmere – As the title of this blog suggests, this is both a fashion and recipe blog, thus incorporating two of my all time favorite things.  I don’t know which is more drool-worthy, her fantastic outfits or her phenomenal recipes.  I love this blog because it’s so easy to navigate, with a side bar that allows you to search posts based on whether they’re outfits, recipes, how-to, or for the home.  Cupcakes and Cashmere has been around since early 2008, and it’s always fun to dig back to the old outfit archives and remember what was in style four years ago. See for yourself at cupcakesandcashmere.com.
Keep in mind, collegiettes, this is just a sneak peak at the fashion blog world, but there are tons of blogs to check out.  Do some of your own digging and find a blogger with a style that you die for, then simply stalk away!! 

Photo Sources:

Katie Moran is a junior at Boston College, majoring in Communication. Originally from Seattle, she loves the East Coast but misses her rainy days and Starbucks coffees. On campus, Katie is involved with Sub Turri Yearbook, the Appalachia Volunteer Program, UGBC Women's Issues Team, Cura, and the Women's Resource Center Big Sister Program. She loves reading, watching "Friends," and exploring new places. She has a passion for creating and hopes to begin a career in marketing and advertising.