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Ask Amelia: How Do I Network!?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Dear Amelia,

I have attended several networking events either on campus or other places, but they always seem like a waste of time and a little awkward.  How can I use these events to help me make lasting connections?

-Out of the Loop

Dear Out of the Loop,

It is natural that being in a room full of complete strangers, and complete strangers that may or may not directly impact your career aspirations at that, may seem overwhelming and awkward.  Here are some tips to help make the most of your next networking opportunity.

1.  Remember people are people.
Don’t get intimidated by titles and the like.  People, especially those at networking events are there to meet others and make connections, so don’t be afraid to take initiative and make conversation.  Asking someone what they do is a great way to break the ice in this situation.  People genuinely enjoy to talk about themselves and their work, so listen up!  They may just be interested in exactly what you are, and could offer guidance in your path to a profession.

2.  Bring your Resume.  
This may seem like a given, but so often in the nerves and rush of preparing, people  can be forgetful.  Print out several copies, and don’t be afraid to confidently whip one out and say, “Can I leave my resume with you?” Insisting that they take a further look at you shows confidence, and also provides them with a way to contact you after the event. 

3.  Follow Up.  
Recalling your networking prowess, you relish in your success, but remember the opportunity to network is ever present.  Send an email saying how great it was to meet them, and use this email to ask any other questions you might have come up with. Following up shows persistence, which in any job is an admirable trait.

Hope these tips will help you stay in the loop!

Do  questions  like these ever cross your mind, and you immediately think to call up that one friend who is a great listener, always understands, and gives you honest advice?  Consider me, Amelia, as THAT friend!  As the resident Her Campus BC psychology major, and through my own interest in reading every book, article, and bumper sticker trying to find ways to make the most of life, I’ve learned A LOT about everything from relationships to resumes, runway fashions to random stuff!  So send in your questions to askameliahercampusbc@gmail.com, no holds barred, no concern too big or small, and I promise the same sincere, honest, heartfelt advice I give my friends!? ?

More About Amelia:
Major:  Psychology
Graduation Year:  2013
Hometown:  Princeton, KY
Best Advice I’ve ever received:  “Don’t ever settle.”  Advice this sage can only come from my mother!

DISCLAIMER:  Amelia is not a licensed psychologist, social worker, or behavioral therapist.  This column’s purpose is to establish a connection between readers and writers through a friendly advice and self-help format, empowering collegiettes to make the most of life and help their classmates do the same.

Photo Sources:

Julianne is an Ohio native studying communication at Boston College with a concentration in journalism. She got involved with Her Campus BC when the chapter launched in December 2010. She began as an editor and contributing writer, and since has moved up the ranks to Campus Correspondent. Aside from working for Her Campus, Julianne is a certified personal trainer at Boston College's Flynn Recreational Complex and teaches group fitness as well. During her sophomore year, Julianne was a part of the Arrupe Program at BC and traveled to Guatemala, learning about the culture, political, social, economic, and religious issues of the country. Her goals post graduation include writing for a health and fitness magazine or working in communications for college or professional athletics. As for now, however, she is enjoying life at the University she loves so much! An avid hockey and football fan, one can always find Julianne in the stands rooting on BC and the Boston Bruins! Other hobbies include running, yoga, cooking, baking, and photography.