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Dear Boston College Class of 2018,

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Dear Boston College Class of 2018,

First off, congratulations! All of your hard work in high school has paid off and you are about to dive right into the best time of your life. As a graduating senior, I must say that you really do not know how lucky you are! You are going to a place that will become your home over the next four years. You will have countless memories (both good and bad), thousands of conversations, lots of lessons and hard work! I am sure there are many emotions and questions running through your heads right now! So lets take this one step at a time…

I am sure this is how you felt when you received your acceptance letter:

And if you are considering going to another school, let me warn you:

Because the best memories are made here at Boston College (YES I AM BIASED).

You are probably getting so excited about all the college parties.

Or the amazing Division I sports teams at our school that we support with all of our hearts.

I know that you all feel like you don’t know how you will survive without your high school friends, but your college friends will become your BEST friends and they will be there for you any time of day and when you need them most (including those late night pillow talks).

Just be open to making new friends, accepting your roommate’s quirky behaviors, and putting yourself out there. Everyone is in the same boat in this new environment.

The freshman 15 is a real thing, but Late Night is SO worth it and that freshmen dining plan allows for you to feed yourself and your entire floor.

But don’t worry, between the Plex, running around the Res and walking up the Million Dollar Stairs, you will stay in shape.

I mean, BC does have a pretty campus and pretty people.

If you love to volunteer, the Jesuit spirit of BC will fit you well! This school is surrounded by people who do good for others! Volunteer opportunities here at BC are some of the most rewarding experiences.

Marathon Monday, football tailgating, the Mods, freshmen floor memories, late night heart-to-hearts with my roommates, Beanpot, MA’s, amazing professors, challenging courses, friendly dining hall staff…I could go on and on about all that I will miss here at BC.

But I want you to come here and create these memories yourself!

Sure, you will make some mistakes along the way:

And learn a few tough lessons about life:

But that is what growing up is all about. And if you are at BC, you are bound to be successful throughout your four years on The Heights. Trust me!

Now, I am sure you are rushing to get here and can’t wait for freshmen orientation (so many cookies and ice breakers!)

And as a graduating BC senior, I can tell you that once you are here you will never want to leave.

Because BC will always be your home!

So once again, congratulations! You are now a BC Eagle and should wear maroon and gold in pride. I wish you the best of luck and want you to get ready to embark on the best adventure of your life. Welcome to your new home on the Heights!


Sentimental Senior


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum