“All great changes are preceded by chaos.” The wise words of Deepak Chopra prove to be comforting during the uncertainty that lies ahead for many BC seniors. Schoolwork is picking up, and we all want to graduate with decent GPAs. And let’s not even talk about what the future holds – those post-graduate plans are an entirely different story. But while all of this craziness is taking place, it is our last chance to be together as the Class of 2014. So, yes, chaos does seem to be what we are all facing. But with only a month left on the Heights (sorry to be a downer guys…), now is the time to embrace the chaos.
You probably think I’m crazy. Why would anyone want to embrace chaos? The word “chaos” alone sounds miserable and way too stressful. Well, it is stressful and it might even bring misery. However, that is the only way to grow… through change. It is going to be uncomfortable and unsettling, but we will all be experiencing the same feelings.
Upon graduating on May 19th, I will be packing up my bags and moving to Los Angeles. While I have family in Northern California, I will know absolutely no one in Southern California. I am starting graduate school at USC and will be thrown into a routine that is sure to be complete and utter chaos. Yet, as Andre Gide said, “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” Boston College has been my shore and while it will be difficult to say goodbye, it is time to discover what else the world has to offer.
My challenge to you, BC seniors, is to cherish every second of your remaining time on the Heights. But at the same time, push yourselves to embrace the exciting changes that lie ahead. Scared? Don’t be. Take a deep breath in and recognize the many reasons why change is good for the soul:
1. Change will help you grow as a person. We are going to embrace the chaos because we know it will help us grow. Every time something changes, you are guaranteed to learn something new about yourself. What you learn will help you develop into the best version of yourself possible.
2. Changes keep things interesting. Life would be incredibly boring if everything always stayed the same. Yes, you would probably be happy eating a New England Classic everyday for the rest of your life, but would you really want to wait in the dinner lines at Lower everyday for the rest of your life? Didn’t think so. By embracing change, you are guaranteeing yourself an interesting life full of unexpected occurrences.
3. Embracing change increases your ability to be flexible. The more often you expose yourself to change, the more likely you are to become an expert in flexibility. You will learn to adapt to new situations, new environments, and new people, ultimately helping you stay calm as a cucumber no matter what life throws your way.
4. Change brings about new beginnings. Think of each upcoming change as a new chapter in the book of your life. Yes, it sounds corny, but just bear with me. Mixing up your collegiate routine and entering the “real world” will only add excitement and opportunity.
5. Change is never permanent. If you experience change and it turns out to be for the worse, don’t sweat it. Nothing is ever permanent. You might take a job straight after graduation and hate it, but that is okay. It will be a temporary learning experience, but is ultimately something that YOU have the power to change.
Hopefully my fellow seniors are feeling a little bit better after reading this. Let’s all promise to enjoy every second of our remaining time on the Heights, making sure to let our BC family know how much we appreciate them and how much we will miss them. If you start feeling overwhelmed, stressed, unsure of what lies ahead, don’t sweat it. Just close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and remember the wise words of Timon & Pumba: Hakuna Matata.
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