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Freshman Year DOs and DON’Ts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Freshman year of college is not only one of the most fun years of your life, but it is also one of the most difficult. For most freshmen, this is the first time that you are responsible for taking care of yourself, and you don’t want to abuse this new freedom. Here is a list of some things to do as a freshman, and some things you should stay away from:


1. Go cheer on your Eagles at sporting events!

BC has a division one sports program, so take advantage and go become a Superfan! 

2. Get involved in a club or service program!

Joining extracurricular activities will not only help you find new friends, but will also help you figure out what it is that you are truly interested in.

3. Make lots of friends!

Don’t just stick with the group of kids you met the first night at BC. Venture out and make friends with multiple groups.

4. Study and keep up with classes!

With BC’s curriculum, it is easy to fall behind in classes, so make sure to stay organized with a planner and to stay on top of all your assignments and tests!

5. Venture off into the city!

Boston is only a twenty-minute train ride from the BC campus, so go out and explore everything Boston has to offer!



The key at college is time management! If you wait until the last minute to do all your projects and essays, chances are you won’t receive a good grade.

2. Commit the “BC look-away”

Don’t do something one weekend when you’re drunk that will cause you to be embarrassed to see a person the next week when walking around campus.

3. Let your room turn into a pigsty!

Remember, it’s now not just you that has to deal with your mess, it’s your roommate too! Be respectful and pick up after yourself.  

4. Let your eating become unhealthy

It is very easy to gain the “Freshman 15” with the unlimited cafeteria food, but it is also easy (especially for girls) to fall into disordered eating behaviors.  Make sure to make healthy choices and don’t fall towards either end of the spectrum.


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum