It’s that time of the year where stress rises and motivation falls… finals. Finals szn can be extremely overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. If you break down the steps, it won’t seem too bad and you’ll be on your way to summer in no time!
1. Know when your finals are.
This may sound silly, but knowing when your finals occur is important.
2. Use a planner.
Using a planner helps you organize your days and make a plan to make the most out of your study days. Plan out what you’re going to study when so that you’re not cramming last minute!
3. Make sure to take breaks.
Breaks are an essential part of your plan to give your brain a rest. Go to the gym, watch TV with a friend, take a nap, enjoy the nice weather, you name it. Anything to give yourself a well-needed break for a bit so you can return to studying with energy and (hopefully) motivation.
4. Find a good study spot… that won’t get you distracted.
A good study spot is essential to maximize your preparedness for your exams. Know what works best for you, whether that’s in O’Neill, a classroom in Stokes, a lounge on your floor, or a cafe off-campus.
5. Understand that finals week is just that… only a week!
Remember, pain is temporary, GPA is forever.
You got this! Finals are close, but that also means summer!