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It’s Time to Say Goodbye

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Most of us know what it’s like to feel the strain of a relationship that is ending (or has ended). You may not have spoken to the person in months, but you still think about them and care about them. I’m not just talking abut romantic relationships, but friendships, the loss of a loved one, or just leaving the cute guy you met in the Bahamas over the break. The hardest part is usually when all the memories are left on your mind. You replay the days over and over and it can be difficult to escape. You don’t want to lose the memories, but I’m here to tell you that IT’S OKAY! It’s time to let go and to say goodbye!

You want to hold on to the relationship and the connection you felt with that person and that is okay but:

If the situation you are in is no longer making you happy… it’s time to say goodbye.

If your friends keep telling you to move on… it’s time to say goodbye.

If you find yourself texting or calling the person more when you have been drinking… it’s time to say goodbye.

If they have moved on… it’s time to say goodbye.

It’s a new year and it is time for you to be the best you that you can be. So how can you say goodbye when it seems impossible?

Purge them from your life (or just hide them in a closet).

Delete their phone number, texts, and voicemails. Delete pictures from your phone, computer, Facebook, etc. If you don’t want the pictures to be gone for good, store them all in one folder somewhere. Remove presents that they gave you and store them in a box if you are not ready to throw them out.

Go out and find someone new:

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! What better way to feel better than to have an attractive Valentine?

Keep busy:

If you have a lot of different things going on, your mind will not be focused on the past. Instead, you’ll be planning ahead.

Use distraction techniques:

When your mind starts to wander to the past, think of something else; say the alphabet, count backwards from 100, describe the setting you are in.


** Results may vary!

Photo Sources:



Kelsey Damassa is in her senior year at Boston College, majoring in Communications and English. She is a native of Connecticut and frequents New York City like it is her job. On campus, she is the Campus Correspondent for the Boston College branch of Her Campus. She also teaches group fitness classes at the campus gym (both Spinning and Pump It Up!) and is an avid runner. She has run five half-marathons as well as the Boston Marathon. In her free time, Kelsey loves to bake (cupcakes anyone?), watch Disney movies, exercise, read any kind of novel with a Starbucks latte in hand, and watch endless episodes of "Friends" or "30 Rock."