I’ve spent a lot of time in public bathrooms. For one, I’m not one of those toilet snobs who refuse to use the powder room in a public place and two, like most girls, I have a small bladder. One plus one equals a fair amount of time spent in the bathroom in Lower, in O’Neill, in bars across Boston, and even (once) the weird bathroom at the entrance of Walsh. Over the years, I’ve realized that public bathroom stalls often get a bad rap. Most of them are as clean as I could reasonably ask for and, even better, offer myriad quotes, poems, and phone numbers written on their metal walls. Some of the most profound things I’ve ever read have been etched into the barriers or scribbled in sharpie on the doors across campus; here, I shall share with you some of my favorites.
O’Neill 2nd Floor
Just let the pee flow
Like thoughts onto fresh paper
Relief, a fresh start
I always use the same stall in O’Neill (TMI? IDC.) primarily because of the haiku written on the door. It’s the perfect anecdote to the occasional stage fright, and even cures writer’s block! To the author of this gem: thank you for your inspiration. I cannot express my gratitude adequately enough.
Cantab Lounge
As narsty as the ladies’ room is at Cantab, I can’t help but swoon over the bits of encouragement and profundity I continuously find slathered over its walls in gel pen, sharpie, and what could only be described as bodily fluid (I mean, when in Rome…). My personal favorite hit me over the head like a ton of bricks one night as I was waiting for a comrade to finish her business: We begin to resent what we desire if it is not given to us. The first time I read it, I almost cried. So true! So accurate! That’s why I feel unexplainable rage towards men! You stay classy, Cantab.
Undisclosed Location
I can’t disclose exactly where this nugget of nostalgia is located, but I’m sure someone will vibe with me and know exactly where it is. There is a bumper sticker on the wall of this particular stall, somewhere in Boston, that reads I <3 Bunny D and the General. You, general public, may not understand the significance of this particular sticker, but let me tell you, to me it represents years of friendship that cannot be thrown away, memories that I cannot and will not erase from my mind, and solidarity girlfriends that rivals that in Sex and the City.
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