This week’s campus profile is a junior, Allie Ward! A biochem major who is also Editor-in-Chief of a literary magazine? Unheard of! Read on to get to know this insanely interesting and talented girl!
Hometown: Andover, NJ
School: MCAS
Major: Biochem major, studio art minor
Best Class: Cancer Bio
Worst Class: ORGO
Activities: Editor-in-Chief of the Stylus, intramural volleyball
What is Stylus?: The Stylus is the largest literary arts magazine of Boston College, as well as the oldest club on campus (founded in 1882!) and one of the oldest literary arts mags in the country. We publish undergraduate poetry, prose, creative nonfiction, and any type of visual art.
Why I Joined: I love reviewing art done by students at BC; since I am a science major, Stylus provides a creative outlet that is very different from most of my classes. The process of creating the magazine, while stressful, is incredibly interesting and super rewarding when we finally have the finished product.
Favorite Study Spot: Third floor O’Neill by the big windows, in between the stacks
Where to Find Me: Higgins Hall, almost always
Embarrassing Moment/Funny Story: One time, in my religion core class, I opened my laptop only to have it blast Kanye’s “Monster” at full volume, mid-lecture. Yikes.
Go-to Coffee Order: Iced caramel latte with skim milk, please!
Best Dorm On-Campus: Unequivocally Walsh, for the fun memories if nothing else! #vivalawalsh
Favorite Place in Boston: Downtown Crossing and the Commons
Advice: JOIN CLUBS! Everyone says it, because it’s true! Getting involved on campus is the best way to meet and spend time with people who share your interests!