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The Most Inconvenient Things in Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Life just gets you sometimes. If any of these have happened to you, you’ll understand the frustration, confusion, and disappointment.

Painting your nails then having to go to the bathroom…the actual worst.

Realizing your chicken didn’t thaw in time for dinner.

Not being able to replay a Snapchat out of fear of looking creepy.

When someone’s Instagram is private.

Having to make your bed when it’s against the wall.

When someone doesn’t replace the toilet paper roll. Come on.

When the dishwasher has all the forks in it, so you have to eat salad with a spoon. Awesome.

SMH. These inconvenient situations are truly the worst things in life. Exaggeration? Absolutely not.











Born and raised in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, Kelly is a Senior at Boston College studying Communications and Marketing. She loves the fashion and beauty industries. She's had lots of experience with women and their tastes, given her all-girls high school background. At BC, she's involved in Strong Women Strong Girls, Student Admissions Program, and is an account management intern for Hill Holliday . When she catches a break, Kelly spends an obscene amount of time on Buzzfeed, rewatching Breaking Bad on Netflix, and attempting to workout.
Niloufar is a senior at Boston College, majoring in French and English.