In case you haven’t heard, we are fully immersed in the age of the smartphone. In fact, I’d be willing to bet that a good number of you are reading this article directly from your iPhone. Having an iPhone is not only convenient, but also very useful, because it can complete basically any task for you (as Apple kindly points out with its famous slogan “There’s an app for that!”). However, you don’t want to end up with pages and pages of home screens with quirky novelty apps that in the moment you thought would come in handy. So here’s my take on the must have apps for BC girls to efficiently get through daily life and resourcefully survive boring classes.
I’m going to take a leap of faith here and assume that you all already had the common sense to download Facebook and Twitter (so as to be able to inform the whole world of your professor’s strange outfit choice that day or how long the lines are in Eagle’s) but if you are looking for a different approach to social media, I would recommend Pinterest. If you didn’t already know, this website that allows hours of procrastination to pass by without you even noticing, is available in app form, so you can take it everywhere with you. All the time. (PROCEED WITH CAUTION if you ever want to be productive again).
What’s worse than standing at a bus stop, in the rain, awkwardly avoiding eye contact with strangers? Answer: all of the above plus having no knowledge of when the bus will get there. That is why TransLoc is an absolute necessity. Just kidding. But in all seriousness, it does come in handy when deciding if you can take your time or if you need to start sprinting to the bus stop. That is if it doesn’t tell you that the bus is coming in 16432 minutes. In addition, if you like to explore Boston (and who doesn’t?) Open MBTA tracks the T and works to the same effect.
Instagram. No explanation is necessary. If you haven’t jumped on this bandwagon yet, I’m not exactly sure what to say to you. What could possibly be better than being able to take your pictures of beautiful Gasson to a whole new level of artsy? If you want to go above and beyond, download Pic Stitch, or any other framing app, in order to combine multiple pictures.
Personally, I have been disappointed by the lack of new game apps. (Think back to last year when Temple Run and Draw Something were the new coolest ways to procrastinate). However, Snapchat has placated me. It is the selfie sensation that is sweeping the nation. Though it is not exactly a game, it is an innovative way to communicate with your friends by looking at ugly pictures of each other for 3-6 seconds. Brilliant.
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