Wow, what a week. Like many others, my unlucky group of friends was not blessed with an eight-man pick time (nor a four or six-man for that matter). We have faced high expectations followed by disappointment, we have shed angry tears, and we have cursed Reslife way too many times. Although it will take me a while to fully accept that I will not have the experience of living in Walsh, I still have so much to be happy about.
Here are eight reasons why us future CoRo kids should stay positive and look forward to another great year at BC:
1. The simple fact that we go to Boston College. Yes we didn’t get the housing we wanted, but we wouldn’t have even had the opportunity to live in Vandy or Walsh if we didn’t go to this amazing school in the first place. So thank you Boston College, although Reslife needs work, the rest of you is awesome.
2. We still get to wakeup on Boston CoIlege’s beautiful campus. I mean come on, look at Gasson…. isn’t she stunning?
3. We still get to be with our friends! Personally, throughout this process my excitement for getting to live with people I love is far greater than my excitement for getting a certain room. Although the location isn’t ideal, we all still get to be together and that’s all that really matters.
4. Sleep! CoRo is closer to classes, which means a later wakeup time in the morning and more naptime in the afternoon.
5. Not having to host an extravaganza. I am personally extremely grateful that my room will not have the possibility of getting trashed by complete strangers. But then again, I’m a neat freak so that might just be a personal preference.
6. A Geofilter that will be featured in way too many “CoRo struggles” snapstories. (Shout-out to my friend Grant who will be joining me on CoRo)
7. Everyday will be leg day. I am very aware of that fact that I will venture down to lower everyday. Whether I am crashing in a friend’s room, hitting up the Plex (I’m awesome I know), or eating at Lower (sorry not sorry Mac), Lower will become my home away from home. This adds extra daily fitness, and the million-dollar stairs creates a million-dollar booty.
8. No matter where we live, Sophomore year will be amazing! CoRo will be what we make it, and I don’t know about you but I am ready to make it awesome.
For those who will be joining me on CoRo next year I look forward to struggling with you, but also having the best time ever with you. Stay positive folks.