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Pinterest Workouts that Really Work!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Working out. We all want to say that we will do it, but sadly this isn’t always the case for all of us.  Classes, friends, studying and love lives get in the way and make it difficult to stay true to a gym routine.  I have to say that I myself am truly guilty of the New Year’s resolution syndrome. We all know what that is. It’s when you state that, “I am going to get in shape and go to the gym this semester,” when in reality you start off strong and then get lazy.

Well, over break I came up with a new resolution. I decided that I would try something new. I made a resolution that I would do a new Pinterest workout every day for five days a week. You know what I found? A lot of the workouts really work. I found myself sweating and waking up sore the next day. When I got back on the treadmill I wasn’t totally out of shape and I could feel my muscles really feeling the burn. Best of all, most of the Pinterest workouts I tried didn’t need a gym or gym equipment all!

So I figured I’d share my amazing epiphany with all you readers out there. I have picked one of my favorite workouts to get you started. I’d like to note that before all of the workouts, the best thing to do is to get your muscles loosened up by doing 30-40 Jumping Jacks just to get the blood pumping. I always end with 30-40 Jumping Jacks, too, just as a cool down.

The Full Body Workout: I like this workout because it really works the full body. No body part feels left out. To get the best results you need repetition, so I repeated this particular workout 3-5 times depending on how I felt that day. Trust me, you do this for a week and you’ll see results!

5 push ups

25 high knees

7 burpees

10 crunches

5 pushups

7 squats

1 minute wall sit

5 push ups

20 atomic sit ups

25 kickbacks

5 leg raises (each leg)

So now that you know that you don’t need a gym to stay in shape, how about you stop with the excuses and give this a try!


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum