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The Sex Files #27: 14 Ways to Make this Valentine’s Day Extra Special

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.


It happens every year around this time; people’s clothes, flyers, an entire aisle in the grocery store all inexplicably turn pink, leading to a chorus of “awww’s” or “urgh’s,” depending on where you stand in the great V-Day debate.  We get it: teddy bears and chocolate aren’t for everyone.  But whether you will spend this February 14th flying solo, happily coupled, or trying to ignore it as much as possible, we have some suggestions for how to give your day a little extra “oomph.”

1.     Take a little risk.

If you think about it, Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to ask that person you’ve had your eye on to join you for some heart-themed festivities. After all, if you’d be spending V-Day alone, and he/she’d be spending V-Day alone, you might as well spend the day alone together, right?

2.     Have a laugh.

Check out the Improv Asylum’s Love and Other Gateway Drugs in the North End. Really, can you beat the mix of great restaurants, yummy desserts, and ROFL laughter?

3.     Check out a nearby museum.

But a fun one. Like The Museum of Bad Art in Brookline. And it’s free!

4.     Brave the cold

And go ice skating together at Frog Pond, followed by a chat over hot cocoa.

5.     Check out the naughtier side of Boston.

Like the MFA’s Naked at the Art Museum Scavenger Hunt, or the Franklin Park Zoo’s Sex at the Zoo lecture.

6.     Treat yourself to something lacy.

And red, if you’re really feeling the V-Day vibe. It doesn’t matter if anyone’s going to see it at the end of the night—slipping on something sexy is half the fun!

7.     Did you know…

That Valentine’s Day is also National Condom Day?  Celebrate the right way by trying out a new kind.  We suggest the Durex Love condom—it’s extra lubricated, extra thin, and perfect for keeping Valentine’s Day safe.  We suggest picking up condoms beforehand from the store or from one of our safe sites.  The condom fairy might be a bit busy that night.

8.     Get consent this Valentine’s Night.

While you should always get consent before sexual activity, Valentine’s Day is the perfect chance to be more vocal with your partner.  Consent doesn’t have to be awkward at all—try taking turns telling your partner exactly what you want to do/to have done to you.  You can use phrases like “Can I ______ your _____?” or “I love ______ing your ______.  Can I?” to get the dialogue started.

9.     Try out massage.

Sensual massage can add a new aspect to time spent between the sheets, so take turns massaging one another as part of foreplay.  Try a massage gel that can be warmed up before use or in your hands for an extra-relaxing feeling.  Just make sure it’s water-based so it’s condom-safe, too.

10.     Try a new scent.

I’m sure we’ve all heard by now that smell is the sense that is most closely tied to memory.  Use this fact to your advantage this Valentine’s day by buying a new perfume to wear to bed.  Every time your partner smells it, it will bring back the sexy Valentine’s memories.

11.     The couple that shops together…

Tell your partner to visit the website of your favorite lingerie store, and have him/her bookmark a few favorites.  Surprise him/her on Valentine’s Day with your favorite of the choices.

12.     Give flavored condoms/lube a try.

Oral sex should be safe, too!  Using flavored lube on condoms/dental dams will get rid of the gross latex taste.  And we’re sure your partner will appreciate the extra enthusiasm that comes from your favorite flavor.

13.     Get a little buzz.

For just a few dollars, Trojan has it’s own line of vibrating accessories to amp up both partners’ pleasure.  It could just be a fun experiment, or a creative way of introducing sex toys into the bedroom.

14.     Take some time for yourself, too.

Sure, Valentine’s day seems to shine a huge spotlight on couple-dom, but regardless of your relationship status, it’s important to make sure that you are enjoying your day—however you choose to spend it.  So whether you will be need all of your concentration for a teddy-bear filled super-date, or will be using every last ounce of energy to ignore all the lovey-dovey-ness that surrounds you, take time to do something that relaxes you.  Take an hour to read a book you enjoy, watch a funny TV show, take a bubble bath, or go for a run.  Then, after your “me” time, you can feel more relaxed and mentally present for whatever the big 1-4 has in store for you.


Peace, Love, & Lube,

BC Students for Sexual Health


The blog account for BC Students for Sexual Health! www.bcssh.com
Caitlin is currently a student at Boston College studying English and Pre-Law.  At BC, she is a member of the Boston College Irish Dance Club, on the Honors Program Student Executive Board's Community Service Committee, and interns and writes for the fashion and culture blog Rusted Revolution.  She has been wriring for Her Campus BC since Jaunary 2011 and is serving as BC's Campus Correspondent for the 2012-2013 school year.  Outside of school, she is a competitive Irish dancer, and has been dancing for 18 years. During her high school career, she completed an engineering project at Case Western Reserve University that made her one of 40 Intel Science Talent Search Finalists in 2009.   In addition to all of this, Caitlin loves reading, yoga, running, shopping, spending time with friends and family, and traveling.