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Stages of Entering into Senior Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

After three long years, the time has finally come; I’m a senior at BC. I always knew this moment would come but at the same time it didn’t feel tangible until this past first week of school hit me over the head. Based on my experience so far, here are the stages of entering into your last year at BC.


  1. Excitement: Even though I was working at BC during the summer, I was still super excited to start school and see all of my friends again. I spent most of the first day of class running around campus like


  1. Overwhelming Stress: After approximately 2.5 seconds of enthusiasm for the start of the school year, I was already drowning in stress due to the impending demand of classes, cocurriculars, and my social life.


  1. Denial: At some point in the week, I started to deny the fact that I was even a senior and this would be my last year at BC. If anyone brought up the topic, I would change the subject because it was too much for my fragile heart to take.


  1. Nostalgia: Then there was the inevitable nostalgia, especially with freshmen babies all auditioning for different groups on campus, it felt like just yesterday that I was in their position.


  1. YOLO: By the time Friday came around, I was reminded of the concept of YOLO. I’m only going to be a senior in high school once so I need to be present and make the most of it.


So to my fellow seniors, if you’ve gone through these stages already know that you are not alone and to my underclassmen, enjoy your time at BC because you’ll be a senior before you know it.



Cover photo: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CqZ5eQFUEAAmexT.jpg:large

Gif 1: https://media.tenor.com/images/0856e9ce5c9514cb5a81e2cf2413ef30/tenor.gif

Gif 2: https://tenor.com/view/new-york-tiffany-gif-5404124

Gif 3: https://media.giphy.com/media/yJoAMhFRR94s0/giphy.gif

Gif 4: https://media.giphy.com/media/l46ChWqJNhf9XXh3a/giphy.gif

Gif 5: http://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/02/08/635905050377730383-173176…


Vanessa is a senior at Boston College studying Economics and Communications. She is proud to be the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus at Boston College!