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Things Heard Around Campus: Parent’s Weekend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

“Say that again?”  How many times have you walked around campus and overheard something that you really wished you knew the context behind?  Sometimes you think that people’s utterances are so typical for BC and other times you can’t believe your ears.  Based on what is being discussed, most times you can almost designate the location of where certain types of conversations occur (obviously there is a difference between what you hear in the Mods on a Friday from what you hear in Bapst on a Monday night).  Her Campus BC is opening up our ears and sharing some of the memorable murmurs we hear around campus each week. This week it is Parent’s Weekend Edition!

This weekend, BC parents flocked to The Heights to spend some time with their beloved offspring.  Shea Field, The Mods, the bookstore, Alumni Stadium, the Pops Concert and local restaurants: no matter where you went, parents were there.  Many of you may have had your parents come or met your friend’s parents and through this you came to one of two conclusions: “I guess, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” or “Where did you come from?”  Here are just few things that were said (or wanted to be said) this past weekend:

1. “20 bucks that if it wasn’t for me, my parents would wind up in Cleveland Circle instead of at my door in Hardey if they tried to take the shuttle from Main Campus to Newton.” – Freshman boy leaving Stuart

2. “Wow there are a LOT of New Jersey and New York license plates around here this weekend.” – Walsh Maintenance Employee

3. “This is how the Mods should always look on game days.  Maroon and Gold tablecloths on the picnic tables, actual platters of food instead of undercooked burgers and bags of chips and enough alcohol to last till the game.” – BC Senior in Mods

4. “You ever realize how friendly those people who you ‘kinda-sorta’ know are to you when they are walking with their parents?  It is almost like they want to show-off to their own parents.” – BC girl in line at Eagles Nest

5. “I figured since all of our parents are coming this weekend there is no need to do grocery shopping this week.  We can live off of Easy Mac till they get here to restock.” – BC boy walking into Edmonds

6. “Your dad was right, you really CAN make this big of a mess in less than a month.  It smells like beer and corn chips in here.  I feel like I did a Target run for cleaning supplies in vain.  Your sister’s dorm NEVER looked like this… and you even knew we were coming!” – BC student’s mother when walking into her son’s Mod since move-in day

7. “I remember when we came to the bookstore during your freshman year I said I would never need another piece of BC clothing for the next four years.  Well now that you’re a senior and I have a full ensemble for every season and occassion I guess I am eating my words.” – Dad in downstairs of Mac


8. “Some stories that my parents feel the need to tell about their college days are better left unsaid.” – numerous students around campus

9. “You are telling me you have to take these to your classes every day?  Multiple times?  Wow.” – sister walking with her BC brother up the Million Dollar Stairs

10. “How was the library?” – BC student walking out of Bapst “Literally spent about 30 minutes on Yelp looking at the best restaurants in the North End to have my parents take me to.” -responding BC student “Well I would say that is more productive than mine.” -1st BC student

11. “My dad just shotgunned a beer with my guy friends.  He is 57, only wears khakis and blue button downs, works in a law firm and watches ‘MASH’.  Needless to say I am shocked.” – BC girl on Shea Field

12. “Oh, you said you celebrated your 21st here?  That’s… nice” – Mom walking by MA’s with her daughter

13. “But seriously honey, that Pops concert was spectacular.” – Parents leaving Conte on Friday night

14. “We are SO proud of you.  We are so happy to see you happy here.” -Farewells all over campus


Photo Sources:

Morgan Healey 


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum