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What BC People Like

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

As a recent transfer student, I’ve only been at Boston College for three months.  However, I’m also an astute perceiver of the nuances that color college life, so I feel qualified to share my observations about BC life with you.  Here are a few things that BC people love:

The Mods:


For years, BC students have loved the Mods.  They are an ageless part of the BC community and even my father, a BC grad of ‘79, remembers them.  The Mods are such a popular nightlife spot, that I sometimes see shady members of our local neighborhood scouring the Mod walkways, trying to gain entry to a party.  Isn’t it ironic that Mods were built in the ‘70s as temporary housing?  An alumna told me that the Mods have been considered ‘temporary’ for their 30+ years of existence and have been treated as such.  But they don’t seem to be going away anytime soon. 

They’re certainly not built to withstand generations of BC students.  I’ve never been to a Mod party in which there wasn’t at least one hole in the wall.  You could take a 10-year-old child, give him a Red Bull and a bat, blindfold him, spin him around a couple times, and let him loose in the Mods and he wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the buildings and a piñata.  That is, until he takes off the blindfold and finds broken buildings, empty beer cans, and college students instead of candy.  Sometimes we wish that little boy would just knock down all the walls!  The inside of those things are over a hundred degrees on the weekend nights, making you feel like you’ll keel over from heat exhaustion.  Maybe that’s why you find so many people ‘seizing the day’ on the dance floor.


The one and only.  It’s pretty much the most revolting concoction on Earth.  They use flavors like raspberry or cherry to mask the nail polish remover-like essence, but nothing works.  Despite the campus-wide detestation for the plastic bottle vodka, it’s always available at parties and no one turns it down.  There are even semi-official Rubinoff acceptance speeches – bad comments people make about the stuff right before they drink it.  Examples include, “This stuff is disgusting,” “I promised myself I’d never drink this again,” and “Do you really have nothing else to drink here?”  The Rubinoff acceptance speech is a crucial part of the Rubinoff experience and if you accept a shot without showing your disgust, your friends will disown you.  “Does she really like Rubinoff?” they’ll ask, while they glare at you with judgment (because, of course, associating with someone pro-Rubinoff is embarrassing).  They’ll turn their back on you and, while walking away dramatically, hit up a discount liquor store for some Ruby because everyone really knows it’s the most fun you can buy for $12.49.
Living on Newton:


Just kidding.


Maybe our love for Sperrys comes from our proximity to the Atlantic Ocean.  Maybe it’s our secret desire to be boat captains.  Or maybe it was the “I’m On a Boat” music video by The Lonely Island that was popular a few years ago.  One thing is for sure, they’re everywhere on BC’s campus.  Take the T for example.  On the T, you can pin down who is and who is not a BC student based only on footwear.  Don’t believe me?  Try it out.  Find someone wearing Sperrys.  Look up at them.  Listen to their conversation with their fellow Sperry-clad friend.  It’s probably going something like, “Yeah, I was at a party on Newton campus last night” …oh wait, it’s not, because no one parties on Newton campus.  So, it’s probably going something like this, “I was in the Mods drinking Rubinoff last night and…”  BAM!  BC kid.  What did I tell you?
Other Stuff BC People Like:
– Running
– Burberry
– Retreats
– Working Out
– Chi Chi’s
– Smart Phones
– Vineyard Vines
– Late Night
– Volunteering
– Leggings
– Jeggings
– Chobani
– J. Crew
– Hockey
– Football
– OL’s
– Longchamp Bags
– Fro Yo
– Hunter Boots
– Skirts in 20° Weather
– Transloc

But, above all, BC people love Her Campus!

Photo Sources:

Kathryn Fox is a senior at Boston College, majoring in International Studies. Originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma, she loves Boston but struggles with the cold weather! Kathryn is involved in teaching ESL classes, interning in BC's museum, and volunteering. She loves to travel and spent her junior year studying abroad in Morocco and South Africa. In her free time, Kathryn enjoys reading Jane Austen novels, baking, and watching trashy TV with her roommates. After graduation, she is returning to Oklahoma to work for Teach for America.