Almost every guy will have faced this situation at least once in his life (most likely more): you meet a girl you like, you seem to get along very well, but every time you think you are getting somewhere she pulls back. But why? It can drive a guy crazy trying to figure what a girl is thinking and if she is genuinely interested in him or just playing with him.
Girls – we have to admit that we do this sometimes, even though we may not know why we do it. Is it out of fear, insecurity, fun? Let’s find out! Here are some real reasons why girls play hard to get:
Playing hard to get allows us girls to sort out the men from the boys. It is a test that many guys fail because they give up far too easily, which makes it an easy way to make sure he’s really interested in you. Plus, girls have this fantasy… you know the one. The one we see in all modern love stories – where a guy woos you or chases you until you realize you can’t be without him. We want to be swept off our feet and somehow playing hard to get fulfills that fantasy.
Sometimes girls worry that if they allow a guy to get too close to them then they will be the only one to develop feelings. By keeping a guy at arm’s length, it gives the girl time to figure out his story – if he’s the real deal or if he is just another guy who will break her heart. Insecurities and past heartbreaks can also make girls wary when it comes to guys. That is why a girl needs a guy to take the time to get her to open up and grow to actually trust him.
Whether it is true or not, girls tend to believe that guys are looking for women of mystery. Did we read it in a book, see it in a movie, or is it something our moms taught us? I’m not entirely sure… but I do know that sometimes girls play hard to get because they think it is what guys want.
Some girls take the word “game” in dating game way too seriously.
Girls may also think that by playing hard to get, they are making a guy MORE interested in them. Make sense? I didn’t think so. But some girls do think that if they desperately try to get and keep a guy’s attention, then they may seem needy or clingy, which is why they simply choose to do the exact opposite. Plus, a girl may also believe that a guy will love and cherish her more once he finally gets her.
Because it works
Let’s face it, playing hard to get works for many girls. There are a lot of desperate guys who will, sadly, do pretty much anything to get some attention from girls who play hard to get. And girls find this type of behavior either funny, flattering, pathetic, or a combination of the three. Plus, some girls like to watch men grovel, beg, and plead with them because it increases their self-confidence.
Now the real question is, do you play hard to get when it comes to guys? And if you do, what’s the reason? But wouldn’t life be easier if we all just told a guy if we liked him and guys did likewise? It would certainly make dating a lot tamer, but does that mean it would take away all the fun? I guess we’ll never know…
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