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Why You Should Be Excited for Macklemore

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.


As we all know, Macklemore will soon be gracing our campus with his presence.  Although a vast majority of us are probably already prepping our thrift-shop chic wardrobe, I hope this article convinces any stragglers who aren’t quite as excited to get pumped.  Here’s a list of reasons why Macklemore is better than you.



  1. He’s really good at rapping.
  2. His hair is both exciting and confusing.
  3. He is apparently really into thrift shops.  Retro?
  4. He seems like a pretty laid back dude.
  5. He has inspired a lot of party themes.



  1. He supports love, and we love anyone who loves love.
  2. He sort of came out of nowhere.  Surprise?
  3. His real name is Ben.
  4. He really likes pizza. 
  5. He refuses to sign with a mainstream label.  How original.
  6. After struggling with drugs and alcohol, he is now on the path to sobriety.
  7. He has been very public about his sobriety and is not ashamed to let his fans know both his high and low points.
  8. His brother is an English teacher.
  9. He thinks baseball is pretty legit.


  1. Why not?








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Caitlin is currently a student at Boston College studying English and Pre-Law.  At BC, she is a member of the Boston College Irish Dance Club, on the Honors Program Student Executive Board's Community Service Committee, and interns and writes for the fashion and culture blog Rusted Revolution.  She has been wriring for Her Campus BC since Jaunary 2011 and is serving as BC's Campus Correspondent for the 2012-2013 school year.  Outside of school, she is a competitive Irish dancer, and has been dancing for 18 years. During her high school career, she completed an engineering project at Case Western Reserve University that made her one of 40 Intel Science Talent Search Finalists in 2009.   In addition to all of this, Caitlin loves reading, yoga, running, shopping, spending time with friends and family, and traveling.