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Getting Back in the Swing of Things in 2020

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Belmont chapter.

Getting Back in the Swing of Things in 2020- Rachel Smith


With the start of a brand new year, heck a brand new century, it is more important than ever to get in the habit of setting goals for yourself and following through. New Year’s Resolutions are going to actually last the whole year this year, I can feel it. Here are some of my tips to get back in the swing of things and set your goals, especially for all of you going into this new semester of school.


  1. Get a paper planner

My biggest lifesaver this semester has been getting a paper planner and sticking with it. I love my planner because I can look at things all in one place and not have to flip back and forth between different syllabi for different classes. It also allows me to get all my schoolwork, tasks, appointments, and extracurricular activities in one place where it is easy to find. You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg for one on etsy, just grab the cutest one at your local target, it will do wonders for your life!


  1. Schedule out your “me” time

With this new semester starting, it is easy to just say yes to commitments without thinking about them. Remember that you need to take care of your self as well, and scheduling out me time is super important. Whether it’s running errands by yourself or painting a picture, remember to give yourself some love.


  1. Dive into your passions

What are you passionate about? 2020 is a year of fresh starts, and with this is critical to be going into the year with good habits and intentions. One thing on my wishlist this year is to dive into my passions a whole lot more. Whether this is traveling, trying a new restaurant, or painting even though I’m mediocre at it, I will be doing it and diving in head first this year. This year is going to be all about adventure for me and I am so excited about it!

Megan Schnupp is a senior at Belmont University studying English (writing) with a secondary degree in Religion. When not hanging out on campus, she is extremely passionate about photography and traveling as much she can (well, as much as a broke college student can). Her other hobbies include exploring her city and visiting every coffee shop within a twenty-mile radius. Follow her on Instagram @megschnuppp, where she's probably posting a picture of her most recent adventure or latte.