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Self-Care: A College Girl’s Perspective

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Belmont chapter.

            I am the person who wants to make sure everyone around me is happy. I want to take care of others and make them feel loved.  I get emotionally involved. I will put others’ well-being before my own. I don’t take enough time for myself. When I tried to take time for myself, it never did me any good. I made the mistake of escaping to my phone (trust me, I still do) just to be flooded with more problems that I felt the need to fix or friends that I felt the need to help. Once I got involved, I would take the problems on as my own. My life became consumed by things that didn’t directly affect me, but because they affected those I love, they affected me too. I was constantly overwhelmed.

            Truth be told, I wasn’t aware that I was neglecting myself. All I knew was that I was making others feel good, and that made me feel good. I made sure to take care of others, but I wasn’t taking care of me. I never stopped to ask myself how I was feeling because I didn’t feel like a priority. I realized I had to change that.


Lessons I’ve Learned About Self-Care:

Taking care of myself is not selfish. In order to better take care of those around me, I have to take care of me.

It’s great to help other people, but sometimes it’s simply out of my control.

It’s okay to say no when someone needs help or when someone wants you to do something. It doesn’t make you a bad person. It just means you are aware of your boundaries and what you are mentally capable of handling.

Don’t take on too many things at once. Believe me. The stress is real.

Sometimes, you can’t fix everything. And no one expects you to.

Having emotions is okay; you’re human. Don’t push them aside.

Don’t be so hard on yourself.


Just Some Really Awesome Quotes about Self-Care:

“Taking care of myself doesn’t mean ‘Me first.’ It means ‘Me too.’” –L.R. Knost

“Be there for others, but never leave yourself behind.” –Anonymous

“You owe yourself the love that you so freely give to other people.” –Anonymous

“When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” –Eleanor Brown

The Little Things—Tips for Self-Care:

1. Go outside/take a walk

2. Read a good book

3. Get comfortable and watch a favorite show/movie

4. Have a mini spa night

5. Do absolutely nothing at all

6. Drink water, coffee, or tea

7. Do some yoga

8. Listen to music

9.  Organize something

10. Start a journal and write what you feel

11. Allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling

12. Treat yourself to something fun

13. Spend time with loved ones

14. Most importantly, be kind to yourself.


Don’t get me wrong—I’m still learning how to take care of myself. I still take on too much, and I still get overwhelmed. However, I’ve come to realize that it’s the little things that make me feel so much better.

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Bailey Sykes, a fiery redhead from Tennessee, joined Her Campus Belmont this fall. She loves reading and writing; she is super excited to be a part of this community! She enjoys all things beauty, fashion, and social media. Though she is currently undeclared, she hopes there is a place for writing in her future.